parasailing fears (requested)

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"This is going to be so much fun!" You excitedly said as you looked out on the water, watching as other people on their vacation went parasailing.

You and Jennie are taking a little vacation together.

She's been working so hard lately and you wanted to treat her to something special, so you planned a fun little trip.

You booked a stay for a few days at one of the nicest hotels in the area and you planned out a ton of fun stuff to do together.

However, one thing you wanted to do that Jennie wasn't so keen on was parasailing.

It's not that it didn't look like fun because it did.

But she struggles with motion sickness and the thought of doing something like that made her stomach turn.

But hasn't told you about her struggles with motion sickness or how just looking at those other people going parasailing made her want to vomit.

She doesn't want to hurt your feelings because she knows how hard you worked to put everything together just to treat her to something nice and to take her mind off things for a while.

She knows she needs to tell you but it's just so much easier said than done.

"Are you excited? I'm excited!"

"Yeah! It's going to be great." She said, faking her enthusiasm.

Deep down, she was horrified.

She knew if she got on, she was bound to puke at some point.

But the thought of hurting your feelings or letting you down somehow broke her heart.

"Are you sure you're excited? You look a little nervous."

"It's just that..." She started to say, knowing that she needed to come clean about everything.

But someone interrupted her.

"You girls ready?" One of the workers asked.

Jennie's heart, at this point, was bound to burst out of her chest due to how hard and how fast it was beating.

"I am. How about you, baby?" You asked.

Jennie tried to go through with it.

Truly, she did.

For you.

But she just couldn't.

"No, I can't do this." She said nervously.

"Jennie? What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm sorry, my love. I know how hard you worked setting this up but I just can't do it. I get motion sickness easily and just looking at what's happening is making me feel sick to my stomach. If I go out there, I'm going to puke. I can't go, I'm so sorry."

"Why didn't you say something, baby? Here I am going on and on about this and you just sit there feeling sick. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. It's not your fault and it's nothing to be sorry about. I should've told you sooner. I went through the same thing back when we did BLACKPINK House. The girls went parasailing but I had to stay behind. I should've said something earlier so I wouldn't have wasted your time or let you down."

"You didn't let me down." You said as you took her hands into yours.

"Baby, if you don't want to do this then we won't do this. It's perfectly okay."

"You're not upset? Or sad?"

"Not at all." You assured as you let go of one of her hands so you could tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's alright. We'll find something else to do."

"You're sure? I mean, I don't have to go but you still can."

"It's okay. I'd rather find something else to do with you." You smiled and watched her do the same. "I love you, baby. Everything's fine, I promise."

She kissed your lips softly as she pulled you into her arms.

"You're so amazing."

"So are you." You said as you kissed her again.

"Maybe we should just go back to the hotel room and make out." She suggested as she raised her eyebrows.

"I like that idea a lot but I want to find something to do with you where we can explore and adventure here. Come on, it'll be fun, and later on, maybe tonight, we can make out. Maybe do a little more than that." You said with a smirk.

She giggled as she kissed you again.

"I'd love that." She grinned. "Come on, let's find something to do. I'm good with anything as long as I get to do it with my girl."

She put her arm around you as you walked away from the parasailing line and chose to find something different to do, knowing that whatever you chose was bound to be unforgettable with Jennie there by your side.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now