let me help (requested)

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"Crap, I forgot something upstairs. If you give me one minute, I'll come back and help you put your shoes on. Okay?" Jennie smiled before kissing your lips softly.

You watched her grab your shoes and put them on the floor in front of your feet before she exited the room to go upstairs and grab something last-minute that she almost forgot.

You're heading over to Rosie's for the day.

All five of you are planning to spend the day there together and you're really looking forward to it.

However, you might be a bit late now that Jennie is off in the other room grabbing something since she has to help you with your shoes.

What's usually an easy task is much more difficult now that you've got a broken hand.

You can't do much of anything on your own.

Everything has been a struggle since you broke your hand just a couple of days ago, making what you thought were some of the easiest things to do a lot harder.

For example, it's not just your shoes that Jennie has to help you with.

It's eating, getting dressed, and even bathing that is much more complicated now thanks to your broken hand.

She's been such an angel.

She's helped you with everything, waiting on you hand and foot to make sure that you're cared for and that you've got everything you need.

Part of you felt bad that she'd have to help you with yet another simple task.

Part of you wondered if there was a chance that you could do this on your own.

You looked to the staircase and didn't see her coming down yet.

So you placed your left foot inside of your left shoe and slipped it onto your foot before raising it up onto your lap.

"Come on," You said as you attempted to tie your shoelaces.

But no matter how hard you tried, it seemed to be impossible to do with only one hand.

"Ugh," You groaned.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jennie asked as she came back downstairs.

You looked up at her to find her walking over to you with an amused grin on her face.

"I'm trying to tie my shoe."

"And how's that going for you, darling?" She asked with a giggle.

"Not good." You pouted. "I can't do it."

"Yeah, no kidding, baby. You've got a broken hand, it's going to be nearly impossible for you to do." She said as she tied your shoelaces for you. "I told you that I'd be back and I'd help you. I just had to grab a sweater in case I got chilly."

"I know but," You paused and watched Jennie stare at you in worry.


"You've been doing everything for me. I was worried that you might be getting annoyed or tired of me since you have to help me so much."

"Oh, baby girl, not at all." She said as she hooked her fingers under your chin, making you lock eyes with her. "I could never get annoyed with you or tired of you. I love you and you need the help right now."

"I do." You sighed.

She put your shoe on your other foot before tying the laces up.

After, she put her hand on your cheek and stared into your eyes once more.

"I love you so much. Please, don't ever feel bad for needing my help, especially now that your hand is broken. It makes things a lot more complicated and I don't want you to be in pain. I'm here to help you, so let me help."

"Okay." You said as you set your forehead against hers. "I love you too."

"Your hand will be healed before you know it. Until then, I'm happy to take care of you."

You pecked her cheek and watched a bright smile pull at her lips in response.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." She said as she kissed your unbroken hand. "Now, let's go to Rosie's for the day. We're going to have lots of fun."

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now