she has cravings (requested)

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The feeling of a soft kiss being pressed against your cheek made you stir from your peaceful sleep.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" Jennie asked as she kissed your other cheek softly.

Being awake is the last thing you wanted at that moment.

You felt so sleepy that you just wanted to keep your eyes closed and drift back off into a deep sleep.

But you could tell that Jennie wanted something and she wasn't going to let you get any rest until she got it.


"I'm up." You said as you opened your eyes. "What is it, baby?"

"I have a problem."

That made you feel a little worried at first since she's only a little over four months pregnant.

So your eyes went wide and you sat up before giving her a worried look.

"What is it?"

"We're out of ice cream!"

You groaned and rubbed your eyes with a yawn.

"That's what you woke me up for, babe? Can't you just order it and have somebody deliver it?"

"It's four in the morning, baby. Not at this hour." She said.

You looked at her, watching as she gave you a little pout before putting her hand on her bump.

"Please? The baby needs it."

"The baby, huh?" You asked teasingly before tickling her sides carefully.

"Okay, we both need it. Please?"

As much as you just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep, you knew saying no to your girl and your baby was impossible.

So you agreed.

"Okay." You sighed. "The same kind?"

"Yes!" She excitedly answered. "Thank you, Y/N. We appreciate this and you so much."

"Yeah, yeah," You joked before pecking her lips. "You're both welcome. I'll be back soon."

You kissed her bump softly before you grabbed your keys and your phone and slipped on your shoes before walking out the door.

You got in the car and watched Jennie wave to you from the window and you shook your head with a bright smile before waving back to her.

You pulled out of the driveway and drove off to the nearest store that you knew was open twenty-four hours.

You went inside and made your way to the frozen aisle before browsing the different flavors of ice cream.

Finally, you spotted Jennie's favorite and the one she's been craving endlessly since the cravings first began.

This time, you didn't grab just one container.

Or two.

You grabbed three.

This way, she'd have plenty of ice cream to last her through her late-night cravings for a bit.

You made your way to the counter and paid for the ice cream before grabbing the bag and going out to the car.

You arrived home a few minutes later and Jennie was opening the front door for you before you even made it all the way up the steps.

"Did you get it?"

"I got it, baby."

"Yay!" She squealed happily before grabbing the bag out of your hand.

You closed the front door and turned the lock on it as she hurried to the drawer and grabbed a spoon.

Practically ripping the lid off, she put the spoon in and grabbed some ice cream on it before putting it into her mouth.

The flavor danced on her tongue for a second and she hummed as it satisfied her intense cravings immediately.

You smiled, watching her as you put the other containers in the freezer.

You were happy she was finally able to satisfy her cravings, knowing how intense they can get sometimes.

"I love you, baby. Enjoy your ice cream."

"Wait, where are you going?" She frowned as you turned around to go upstairs.

"Back to the bedroom."

"No," She whined. "Stay with us. Please?"

You felt exhausted and wanted to climb under the covers to go back to sleep again.

But you couldn't say no to her.

"I'll share with you."

And especially not when she's offering you ice cream.

"Okay." You smiled as you walked back to her.

You sat down at the counter together and shared the ice cream together.

"Thank you for going out to get it for us. We love you a lot." She said.

You put your hand on her bump, always loving the way she said that word.


Her and the little baby that you both adore so much already.

"Anything for my babies."

She smiled brightly and gave you a sweet kiss before digging right back into the ice cream with you, enjoying these moments even more than usual since you were awake this time to share them with her.

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