The Tide

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My older sister, Trisha, has a 'philosophy' of her own regarding life.

"You know," she says, "Life is like learning how to swim in an ocean. When life's really rough it's like being overwhelmed by a giant tidal wave. In those times you don't know up from down; you're gasping for breath and you keep trying to swim to the surface but the waves waves keep knocking you down. Basically, life's got you down and it's keeping you down.

You have two choices in a time like that: You can give up and let the tide swallow you whole or you can keep fighting. Keep swimming. You will reach the surface eventually. In life, you'll experience a lot of waves: High ones, low ones, rough ones - all sorts of waves! But if you keep swimming, you'll swim through that tide and soon you'll reach what you're swimming for and you'll be able to enjoy the ocean around you."

It's a confusing umm 'philosophy'; but I get it.

I've been swimming and swimming, but every time I think I'm making progress, a tidal wave comes and overwhelms me. I haven't been fighting the tides. I keep giving up and right now I'm about to drown. I need to stop drowning and start swimming again. I need to reach for the surface. I know that I need to fight. I know that I need to forget about the tides and carry on swimming. I know that I need to stop letting life bring me down with its challenges. I have to break the grasp life's troubles has over me.

If I know what I have to do...why am I still drowning? Why am I still tossed around?

So many questions and not a single answer.

It's time for me to find answers to these questions. It's time for me to remember how to swim. It's time for me to reach the surface. It's not going to be easy, though.

But if I don't start now, when will I?


Hey guys, this is my first book/story I've written. i'm going to upload chapters gradually, depending on your response. Hope you like it!


Chipz (that's my name by the way...well Nickname)

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