Part 26

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Oh Wow

I’m going to be Trisha’s Maid of Honour? AWESOME! I don’t mind sharing the title/duty with Ami. It’s going to be great! What’s Ami’s problem, though? I thought she wanted to be Maid of Honour.

“Why is sharing such a bad thing?” I ask.

“Because I wanted to be the Maid of Honour!” Ami cries.

“You are the Maid of Honour,” I reply impatiently.

“But I have to share,” she exclaims. “I don’t want to share!”

I’m not going to lie. That stung. Ami is upset because she has to share the title with me. That isn’t fair. It isn’t like I asked Trisha to make us share. If Trisha had chosen Ami it wouldn’t have bugged me.

“Oh shut up you greedy brat!” Trisha snaps. “If you don’t want to be the Maid of Honour then just say so! If you aren’t willing to share then you can be part of the damn congregation then!”

I don’t like where this is going. If these two don’t stop, a fight will ensue. That’s the last thing we need right now. I put my bag down and go sit next to Trisha.

“So Trisha,” I say. “Have you and Jerry decided on the date of the wedding?”

Trisha’s anger fades immediately.

“Yeah, we’ve decided on a date,” she smiles. “14th of February.”

“Wow, Trish,” I reply, widening my eyes. February is in five months. “That’s not long from now. Why so soon?”

“February is one of the best months to have a wedding,” she explains. “The weather is beautiful at the beginning of the year. Besides, a Valentine’s wedding is the epitome of all things romantic!”

She sighs dreamily and jumps off of the counter. It’s been a while since I last saw my sister this loved up. It’s so sweet. I’m sure she’ll be able to handle the next few months.

“Whatever, I’m going upstairs,” Ami grumbles. She storms out of the kitchen and noisily goes up the stairs. Trisha rolls her eyes again and puts a hand on her hip.

“I’ve given up on that child,” she sighs. “She’s acting like a spoilt brat.”

“Yeah,” I reply, shaking my head. “You can say that again. But hey, she’ll get over it.”

“She better get over it,” Trisha growls. “Anyway, moving along swiftly. Is there anyone you want at the wedding?”

I blink and look at my older sister. She’s letting me invite some of my friends to her wedding?

“What?” I ask, shocked.

“Who do you want at my wedding?” Trisha repeats. “I don’t want my sister to have no one to talk to at my wedding.”

I smile admiringly at my sister. She’s so caring. I mean, this is her wedding. It’s her big day and she’s still taking other people into consideration. Wow.

“Thanks, Trish,” I reply, grinning. “Um, well there are a few people I’d like to invite.”

“Go for it,” she nods. “Who are they?”

“Well, there’s Jas, Fran, and Lance,” I answer. “Oh yes! Is it okay if I invite my boyfriend, Tommy?”

“Sure thing,” she shrugs. “What about Jay and Kal?”

I shake my head furiously. She frowns and tilts her head.

“Why not?” she asks, folding her arms. “Are you still fighting with them?”

“I’m not friends with them,” I reply irately. “They don’t want me in their lives. I don’t want them at your wedding.”

Trisha doesn’t reply. She nods and stares at the floor. She’s deep in thought. She always stares at the floor when she’s thinking about something.

“Alright, fine,” she says.

“Thanks for understanding Trish,” I say as I jump off of the counter. “I’ll talk to you later. I need to get started with my homework.”

I’ve got a lot of homework to do (damn inhumane teachers). I give her a hug and head for the stairs. This is so awesome. Not only am I one of Trisha’s bridesmaids; I’m her Maid of Honour too! This rocks! All of my close friends are going to be there too. I punch the air and chuckle. I reach my room. Strange... the door is closed. It sounds like Ami is on the phone. I’ll open the door quietly and get started with my homework. I don’t want to disturb her but I have work to do.

 “Can you believe it? I’m stuck with her again,” Ami groans. She sounds upset. Hmm, I wonder who she’s talking about.

“Why do I have to share everything with her?” she sighs. “I really wanted to be the Maid of Honour. Alone.

Hold it. Ami’s talking about me. I open the door and walk in quietly. Ami’s standing by the window. She’s got her back to me.

“It’s times like these where I wish I didn’t have a twin sister,” she says wistfully. “Angie, you’re so lucky you’re an only child. You don’t have to share everything with your damn twin sister. I love Jamie and all but she can be such a burden at times. Like this whole issue of sharing a room. I don’t have my own privacy anymore.”

I’m numb. I’m speechless. What am I supposed to say to that? Ami thinks that I’m a burden. What the heck...

 “Is that what I am to you I?” I speak up. My voice gets caught in my throat. Damnit. I’m about to cry.

Ami turns around quickly. She ends the call and puts her phone away. At least she has the decency to look ashamed. That isn’t going to help her though.

“You think I’m a burden?” I hiss, spitting out the last word. Ami isn’t looking at me. She’s looking down at the ground. Just as I thought. She can’t even look me in the eye. I sigh and sit on the bed. I’m not about to have another feud with Ami. The last one caused too much pain. It really broke Demi’s heart.

“Look Ami,” I say, looking up at her. “If you think that I’m a burden, that’s your opinion. I can’t change that.”

“Jamie,” she says. I put my hand up, telling her to keep quiet.

“Let me finish,” I say.

Ami nods and sits on the floor.

“I’m not going to apologize for anything, though,” I continue. “I have nothing to apologize for. I didn’t make the parentals make us share everything. Demi made me move into this room. I didn’t force her. And I definitely didn’t force Trisha into making us share the duty of being her Maid of Honour. I haven’t tried to make your life hard. If I ever have, then I’m sorry. That’s the only thing I’ll apologize for.”

“Ami, you need to realize and accept that we’re twins. We’re going to be stuck with each other for quite a while. If you’re not happy with it, fine. But I am not about to let you trash my name behind my back. That’s just disrespectful. I’m not going to fight with you. The last thing this family needs is another fight. I just hope you’ll be able to get over yourself and realize that you’re acting like a spoilt brat. I hope it’s soon too because your selfishness is going to cause a lot of problems if you don’t get rid of it.”

I’m not being spiteful. I’m telling the truth. Ami’s acting like a spoilt brat for no good reason. If she doesn’t like what I’ve just said, then that’s her problem. I cross my arms and look at her. She’s gaping at me. I guess she isn’t used to being told to get over herself.

“Well?” I say. The silence is starting to bug me. She still isn’t replying. Ugh. I don’t have time for this. I stand up and head for the door and walk out. Ami needs to realize that she really needs to get over herself. I just hope she realizes it soon. I don’t think I have the patience for her bad attitude.

Anyway. It’s her problem now. I’ve got better things to worry about. I refuse to let anyone’s issues get me down.

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