Part 20 (The long chapter you have been waiting for)

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I run through the gym and locker rooms and onto the field. I run to the far side of the field and fall on the ground. I sit up and start to cry. How could Jay do this to me? How could he backstab me like that? I did nothing to him! I don’t deserve this! I can’t go back to the cafeteria or class or school. This humiliation is too much.

Suddenly, I notice that I’m not alone. Someone’s joined me. If it is one of Jay’s groupies, I will do some serious damage!

“Jamie, are you okay?” Tommy asks.

Oh great, he’s probably come to say that he doesn’t want to be anywhere near me.

“Look, if you’re going to tell me that you don’t want to be around me, just tell me and go,” I say, sniffing.

Tommy kneels down next to me. I’m not going to look up. I don’t want him to see me in this state. Tears, mucus and all.

“I’m not here to do that,” he says. “I wanted to see if you’re alright.”

I look up at him and sniff.

“As you can see, I’m far from being alright,” I say. My voice is thick from my sob session.

Tommy puts and arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he says soothingly. “Larissa was being a hater.”

“No, she was telling the truth,” I sob. “About the Valentine’s Day thing. My boyfriend of three years really did cheat on me with my sister on that day. It’s just... no one knows that except my two best friends. Well, ex-best friends.”

“Does this have anything to do with your guy-friend from Bio?” Tommy asks.

“Yes,” I nod. “He told her about that incident. Heavens knows what else he’s told her. I can’t believe he’s done this to me. I really haven’t done anything to him.”

“Well he’s an idiot for hurting you like that,” Tommy replies.

I wipe my tears away and pull a tissue out.

“Hey, and don’t worry,” he continues, wiping away one of my tears. “If anyone tries to mess with you again, I will redefine their facial features.”

I stop crying and begin to smile. This guy is really sweet.

“There we go!” Tommy says, smiling. “There’s that million dollar smile!”

I start laughing.

“Oh please!” I say, grinning.

Tommy grins too and stands up. He picks me up and gives me my bag.

“Let’s go get some food,” he says.

“In there?” I ask in horror.

“Remember what I said,” he says.

“I know, I know,” I say, sighing. “Well, I am kinda hungry...”

“So let’s go eat!” Tommy says.

We turn around and head for the cafeteria. By the time we get there, my mood has lightened. Tommy really knows how to cheer a person up.

As we walk into the cafeteria, a group of jocks start laughing at me. Great, Larissa must’ve told everyone the full story. Could my life get any worse?

Suddenly, Tommy stops walking, turns and looks at them.

“Excuse me,” he says sternly. “Do you have a problem with this girl?”

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