Part 7

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Anti-Climax of Note

Let me tell you about Hilary and why I don't like her at all.

Hilary Samuels is a backstabbing witch. That's what she is. You may think that I'm being biased but I'm not. She may act all sweet and friendly to you, but next thing you know she's spreading rumours about you. Eventually, she'll get bored and dump you; leaving you hurt and with a damaged if not tarnished reputation. Anyway, moving along swiftly.

Hilary is what you would call a 'boy magnet'. You know, perfect blonde hair, blue eyes, spotless face, amazing figure etc. I'm sure you get the point. She's also your typical bimbo. Ask her a logical question and she becomes confused (or so she says).

It's hard to believe that we were once best friends.

When we were thirteen, all three of us (Hilary, Kal and I) were best friends. We were inseparable. Sleepovers every other weekend, we sat next to each other in class, and we always sat together during recess. As I said before, we were inseparable.

Hilary used to tease me about Jay but I would take it as a joke. Even when Lance and I started dating, Hilary would still make remarks about my friendship with Jay. Jay didn't like Hilary and he made sure she knew that. I guess that didn't help the situation. I refused to get involved in their dispute. Jay didn't mind. Hilary would get upset with me though. She wanted me to take 'her side'. I told her firmly that I'm not taking anyone's 'side'. She got over it eventually. I shrugged it off and carried on with my life.

But one day Hilary went too far. Way too far. During Computer Class, Hilary went up to Jay and told him that I'd said all sorts of rude things about him behind his back.

During Science, Jay came up to me called me a cow and ended our friendship. I asked him why and all he said was,

"You know why!"

Obviously I didn't know why but Jay refused to talk to me.

One night I decided to call Jay and confront him about the situation. That's when he told me about his encounter with Hilary. We resolved our conflict and became friends again.

The next day I went to Hilary and confronted her. I slapped her and told her that I never wanted to speak to her again. That's how our friendship ended.

But while this was happening, Kal was in Miami visiting her cousins (I don't know why she always goes to Miami during the school term). When she came back I told her what happened and she ended her friendship with Hilary too.

Since that day Hilary has been trying to make my life a misery. She's never succeeded. Most of the people in my school fear Hilary because of what she's capable of doing (ruining your reputation). But I'm not scared of her. I don't care what she says about me, it doesn't faze me. She can go eat grass for all I care.

That's why I'm so shocked to see her and Kal walking and laughing together. It makes me feel nauseous.

"Kal, can I speak to you in private?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Yeah sure," she replies, "We'll be right back, Hily."

HILY?! That was what we used to call Hilary when we were best friends!

I grab Kal's arm and march her to an oak tree, far away from Hilary.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" Kal whines.

I let go of her arm and glare at her.

"What is she doing here?" I ask furiously.

"Oh, Hily?" she asks, nonchalant. "I thought I told you that I was bringing a friend."

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