Part 28 :)

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My Natural High

“Jamie, wake up!” Ami says, shaking my shoulder.

I open my eyes and look at her.

“Good morning, dear sister!” I smile.

I’m in a great mood! I inhale deeply and exhale. Today is going to be a great day! The weekend went by so quickly. I jump out of bed, grab my towel and head for the shower. I walk into the bathroom and put my towel on the rack. I’m going to give the household a little early morning music today. I run the shower water and start to sing ‘I’m Walking on Sunshine’. Half an hour later, I’m ready to head downstairs. Ami’s already left for school. I pick my bag up and skip down the stairs. I jump onto the landing and head for the kitchen. Gran D and Demi are sitting at the table. They look concerned. I wonder what’s bugging them. They turn their heads and look at me.

 “Morning!” I greet cheerfully.

They look at each other and at me again. Why do they look so serious?

“Jamie?” Demi says carefully.

“Yes Demi?” I reply, grabbing an apple.

“You know that we love you, right?” she asks.

“Of course!” I answer, biting my apple. “You should know that!”

“Yes, I know,” Demi says. She looks like she’s struggling to say something.

“Demi,” I say, raising an eyebrow. “Is everything alright?”

Demi opens her mouth but Gran D interrupts her.

“Yes, Jamie, everything’s alright,” she says. “We’re just concerned. That’s all.”

“About me?” I ask, confused. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Demi looks me in the eye and sighs.

“Jamie-Lee,” she says. “We’re concerned about your health.”

“My health?” I ask, looking down at my apple. “But I haven’t had any junk food lately. I’ve been drinking water and eating fruit regularly. There’s nothing wrong with my health!”

“Jamie, my dear,” Gran D says, looking at me. “Are you on drugs?”

A piece of apple gets stuck in my throat. I start to cough and splutter wildly.

“WHAT?” I shriek. “You think I’m on drugs?”

“Well, you’ve been quite the...happy chappy lately,” Gran D explains. “We’re just wondering if it’s a natural high or a drug-induced high.”

I look at their faces. They’re being serious. I put my apple down and start to laugh. Very hard. Gran D and Demi raise their eyebrows. I guess my laughing fit isn’t helping the situation.

“I’m not on drugs,” I assure them. “Trust me, I wouldn’t touch that stuff. I’m just in a really good mood. A natural good mood. It isn’t drug-induced. You guys can relax.”

They look at each other uneasily.

“Well I’ve got to go and catch a school bus!” I say, heading for the door. “See you later!”

I close the door behind me and start to walk briskly. It takes me five minutes to reach the turn-off to the bus stop. I smile as I spot someone leaning against the stop sign by the turn-off. He starts to walk towards me. We embrace and he kisses me on my forehead.

“Hey beautiful,” Tommy smiles. “I missed you.”

“Missed you too,” I mumble dreamily. I nuzzle my nose into his chest and look up at him. He’s looking down at me, smiling.

The Tide - CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora