Part 2

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A New Day

It’s a new day. Today is the start of my changing. After my little outburst yesterday, I’ve realized that I really do need to change. I can’t go around losing my temper like a mad woman. It’s not on. So, from now on, I’m going to try and be a little more patient.

 I wake up and go straight to my mirror. My hair is sticking up in all directions. It looks like I’ve had several volts of electricity go through me. I sigh. My hair is rather tame but it's the type of hair that looks horrendous on a bad hair day. I'm sure a bit of water will rectify this situation, though. I don't plan on going out so I'm not too worried about how my hair looks. I hope today isn’t going to be a bad day. I don’t think I can handle another bad day right now. I guess I'm just going to have to see how today turns out; there's no point in just talking about it. Off to the shower I go!


Well that was refreshing; I love the feeling of showering after experiencing all sorts of emotional nonsense. It feels like I'm washing off all of my troubles and moving on with life. Hmm, I should write that down. Later, though.

I walk into my room and look around. There are clothes all over the floor (from yesterday's tantrum), there's jewellery all over my desk and...what the heck?! Someone's drawn on my walls! It had to be Gabby. Honestly, why are toddlers such problems? I do not understand.

I'll sort out this mess once I'm dressed and decent. I pull on a pair of denim shorts and a green tank top and look at myself in the mirror (In case you haven't noticed, I'm very conscious about my appearance). I was right about my hair; it looks much better after watering it down. Let's hope it stays this way. I turn around and face my disaster of a room. Time to rectify this mess.


I throw the last of my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and survey my room. Everything is in order now. I smile, content with the state of my room, and put my hand on my tummy. I need to eat before I get tummy cramps. I get hectic stomach cramps when I don't eat - you could say that it's Nature's way of preventing me from even thinking of trying to starve myself. Suddenly, my stomach starts to grumble.

"Alright, alright," I say. "I'm going to get you food. Sheesh."

I head downstairs and walk into the kitchen. It's empty...and clean (Our kitchen is always a mess thanks to Demi's "creative cooking" and Gabby's...well Gabby's personality I guess). Dad has already gone to work. He leaves very early and works til late. Somehow, Demi doesn't seem to mind. That's the power of love I guess. I want to share a love like that with my husband - if I choose to marry someone. I look around the clean kitchen and shake my head. Where is Demi? Oh, there's a note on the table. I pick it up and read it.

Hey Dear!

Went to drop off Gabby at holiday day care.

I’ve got a few meetings to go to, so I’ll be back in the afternoon!

Stay out of trouble!



Awesome, I have the house to myself. What on earth is the time? I look at the clock; it’s eleven o’ clock. Wow, I’ve been asleep for quite a while. Oops, my tummy's starting to hurt. It’s cereal time! I open the pantry and pull out my box of cereal, Suga-Sugas. Everyone in this house knows not to touch my Suga-Sugas. It's my one and only cereal. Whilst I’m pouring milk into my Suga-Sugas, the phone starts to ring. If it's Lance again I am going to tell him to go jump of a damn cliff. Why can't he just leave me alone? I pick up the phone reluctantly and put it against my ear.

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