Part 35

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Chipz's Note

Merry Christmas to you all!! So sorry for my silence!!! Hope you're all having a wonderful day! Love your families and friends and make sure that you tell them that you appreciate them! love you all!

Here is a Christmas Special  - a whole lot of chapters coming up :)



Wow, time really does fly. Christmas flew by; New Year’s Day came and New Year’s Day went; and now I’m in my Senior Year. It’s a daunting thought. Soon, I’ll be out of school. The fact that Trisha’s wedding is in three weeks, is an even more daunting thought. I’m starting to get nervous; I’ve got to speak at Trisha’s reception since I’m the Maid of Honour. I haven’t come up with anything yet. My boy situation is still a mess. The last few months of last year were so jam-packed with events, exams, cheer-offs and all sorts of things. So fortunately (for me) the only time I ever saw Lance, Tommy, or Jay was in class, at one of their sports practices, or at a pep rally. I’ve taken to walking to school instead of using the bus. I use a different route too. That way, I’m able to avoid Jay, Tommy, and Lance. I’m not proud of my ability to avoid them. I’m still confused and hurting. Jas and Fran have been by my side 24/7. They’re the best friends a girl could ask for. They’ve really helped me grow and endure the stresses in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

On a new note: This year, I’ve decided that I’m done with running away from my problems. It’s high time I face all this chaos and take it down. Over the past few months, I’ve realized that I have become a different person. Not in a bad way, though (I hope). I’ve become a stronger; I just didn’t realize it. With that new-found strength, I’ve decided that I’m going to sort out my life. Actually, my life isn’t a complete mess. All the boy-trouble I’m having is what’s tainting my happiness. Well, I’m going to put a stop to that. I know that it’s not going to be easy but I also know that I’m going to come out of this mess a stronger person. I’m not going to let anything or anyone bring me down. I’ve come too far to let petty things like boys get me down. I’ve got my whole life ahead of me. This is just another obstacle. It’s a tiny obstacle that I’m going to knock down and move on from.

There’s no doubt about that.

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