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  • Dedicated to To All my Readers

** Note From Chipz **

Hehe as if I was going to leave it there! What's a story without an epilogue?? I'm not going babble throughout here. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read and voted and commented. Thank you for keeping me going. There was a time where I was stuck on 200 reads and I never thought I'd get anywhere with this book. I wanted to quite. Now I have over 11 000 :) I'm still aiming for a million but we'll get there :) Thank you to all of you. I love you all!




Now, usually, in books about a teenage girl, the girl leaves her boyfriend for her first love or her best guy friend. It’s just how it’s meant to be, right? Not this time.

This isn’t one of those typical chick-flick books. I chose my boyfriend, Tommy. Tommy picked me up when I was down. When everyone else left me in the dumps, Tommy was there for me. I have a feeling that he’s what I needed all along. As for Lance and Jay?

Lance was my past. He helped me grow. Lance saw me through my transition from braces and dorky hairstyles to skirts, bright smiles and cheerleading. He played his part in my maturing. He’s my close friend now and I want to keep it like that because he means more to me as a friend.

As for Jay...well, I think that Jay is what should’ve been, but that got screwed up. We missed our chance, but I’m glad we did. I think a dating relationship would have damaged our already fragile relationship. We’re a lot better now, and I want to keep it that way. I’d rather have Jay as my best friend, not my boyfriend. Those best friends-turned-lovers relationships don’t work out most of the time.

How do I know that I’ll always be with Tommy? I don’t. I don’t know whether things will always work out or not, but I’d like to find out. Even if things don’t work out, that’s fine. I’ve grown up now. I’m a lot stronger and I’ll get cross that bridge if it comes.

Right now, I’m enjoying my life. I’ve swum through this giant tidal wave. Now, I’m enjoying the big ocean I call life. When the next giant tidal wave comes and tries to drown me, I’ll be ready. I’m not going down that easily. Like I said before, I’m stronger now. Nothing’s gonna bring me down without a fight. It’s going to be one hell of a fight too. That’s fine; I’m ready. As for losing? It’s not an option. It never has been and it never will be.

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