Part 12

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Wakey, Wakey

I’m woken up by my vibrating phone. I open my eyes and look around. I’m still lying on Jay’s stomach. He’s fast asleep. The only thing that’s changed is that Jay is holding me.


I sit up and take my phone out of my pocket. It’s already ten-thirty in the morning! Wow! Have I been asleep for that long? I have a message. It’s from Demi.

She says that I have to be home by midday. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I’m so tired. I might as well go home now. Jay and his mum need to spend time together in order to get through this divorce. I get up and start fixing my hair. Morning hair is so not sexy!

Jay wakes up and stretches, yawning at the same time.

“Are you going home already?” he asks tiredly.

“Yeah,” I say whilst tying my hair. “Demi just texted me, she says I have to be home within the next half hour.”

Jay gets up and opens his curtains. Light fills his room immediately.

“Wow,” Jay says, yawning. “What time is it?”

“It’s just after half-past ten,” I say, turning around to look at him.

His hair isn’t untidy. There are a few parts that are sticking out in different directions, but apart from that he looks just fine. Lucky.

“We start school next week, right?” Jay asks.

“Yeah we do,” I groan. “Tuesday.”

“I don’t think we’ll be able to chill until then,” Jay says, sighing. “Due to...”

“It’s okay,” I say, smiling. “I understand. Besides, I have to start sorting out my school stuff now. You know me and my lack of organisation.”

Jay chuckles.

“Of course I do!”

I smile and put on my shoes. I look up at Jay.

 “Are you going to be okay?” I ask, concerned.

“Don’t worry about me,” Jay says, smiling slightly. “I won’t go and jump off a bridge once you’ve left. It’s tempting...but I won’t do it.”

I punch Jay playfully and look at him.

“Just know that if you jump off,” I say. “I’ll come to that bridge...and jump off too.”

 “Yeah I know,” he grins. “You’re my sister from another...mister?”

“Lame!” I grin. I check my phone again. It is ten minutes to eleven.

“I should head home now,” I say. “Before Demi turns into a fire-breathing dragon.”

“Let me walk you to the front door,” Jay says.

“How chivalrous of you!” I say dryly, rolling my eyes.

“Yep, that’s me!” Jay says, smiling proudly. “I’m Chilva...chilva...chivla...”

I burst out laughing. Jay’s failed pronunciation is hilarious! Jay frowns and pretends to be hurt.

“Come on,” he says. “You need to go home, remember? Otherwise Demi will turn into a ‘fire-breathing dragon’.”

“Thanks for reminding me,” I grumble.

Jay walks me to the door and we turn and look at each other. I give him one more hug.

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