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"What was that?" the warden asked looking at Faf suspiciously.

"Nothing sir. I had just heard that you were feeling under the weather from the first years." Faf replied meekly.

"Kids these days just keep spreading rumours." The warden grumbled unhappily.
"You shouldn't go believing everything that comes out of those brats' mouth. Anyway, get well. I can't be held up from all the important work I have piled up because of you brats not knowing how to take care of yourself."

"As if we asked you to come here!" Faf muttered under his breath.

"What was that boy?" The warden asked looking at Faf challengingly and suspiciously.

"Of course, we appreciate your concern sir!" AB replied trying to cover up for his friend's blunder. "Faf here is just grumpy because he is sick." he said glaring at the said person.

"Whatever. Don't you dare create any trouble here!" The warden replied angrily as he shut the door.

"You're such a terrible actor Faf!" AB said as he punched his friend on the arm.

"Well, next time, you play the patient." Faf replied coming out of the blanket.

"Yo Virat, are you planning to get out from there?" Faf asked peeking under the bed.

"Nah I was just getting comfortable under here!" Virat supplied snarkily.

"I swear to God, if you two start again, I'll lock the two of you in here and not open the door till evening." AB said exasperated.

"My brother will come searching for me because it will be too late- oh my God!" Virat yelled quickly trying to get out from under the bed and in the process gracefully hitting his head.

"What? What's wrong?" AB asked concerned while Faf helped him get out of the bed properly.

"It's been so long! I left to take a register and I am still here. Rohit would be so concerned!"

"Wait- Rohit as in Rohit Singh!?" Faf asked confused.

"Uhm yeah?" Virat answered.

"Amazing! Just what was needed!" AB exclaimed.

"Is something wrong?" Virat asked.

"Is something wrong?" he asks." Of course! Everything!"Faf said throwing his hands up exasperated.

"Calm down, Faf!" AB said looking over at his over-reacting bestie."

"Umm.." Virat tried to draw the attention back to himself. Just then, they heard footsteps outside the door. Virat immediately hid inside the closet while Faf ran inside the washroom leaving AB to deal with the person outside alone. AB sighed as he went to open the door.

"You haven't seen a young boy here, have you?" He was met with the gruff voice of the warden.

"Uhh....excuse me, sir?" AB replied trying to sound extremely confused.

"Some first year has gone missing and his older brother is creating an absolute ruckus. Apparently he went out to get a register from the staff room but didn't make it back. You know the older brother I believe, Rohit Singh?"

"Yes sir, we play cricket together." AB replied dutifully.

"You sure, you haven't seen this brat anywhere?" The warden looked at AB for a long moment.

"No, sir." AB lied confidently.

"Right. Anyway, now I have to go and search for that brat. Bunking classes, I'm sure. Where is that sick friend of yours?" the professor asked peeking into the room and finding the bed empty.

"He's using the washroom, sir." AB answered.

"Right. I didn't need to know. I'll be around." The professor said and left.

AB closed the door and closed his wyes letting out a sigh. He opened his eyes and barely stopped himself from screaming when he opened his eyes and saw two pairs of eyes stare back at him.

"How exactly are we supposed to get you out of here, man?" Faf asked Virat.

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