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So here goes another a/n
Soo I thought by this time, I'd be immune to all those toxic comments by toxic fans and old retired players. But I'm not and it frustrates me.

Of course, it is upsetting when your fav ipl team doesn't win, but seriously? Giving r*pe threats to 2 yr old? And then they criticise Virushka for not showing Vami's face and try to sneak her photo despite the parents asking not to.

Seriously wtf do these people think they are? Those mfs have no other job than to cry, complain and criticise someone else. And its worse that they use other cricketer's face and name on display making the toxic fan base even more toxic.

Sometimes I wish, Virat would pull a Will Smith and go "keep my daughter's and wife's name out of your f*cking mouth." Yes. With that slap. Like these people can't even achieve 1/4th of what Virat and Anushka or any other celebrity for that matter but criticise karna h bethke.
People are disgusting. Of course, there are respectful fans but their number is way lower that these disgusting people.

And half the people are after Virat's life man like he ran away with the mf's wife or smth. If some other player scores runs, then he deserves to be in the next match but if Virat scores, he is stat padding. Of course, all the players recieve hate at one point but this is the limit...

You know what? Leave the celebrities, they are adults . they have seen enough to not expect anything else from people.... But 2 yr olds? How f*cking low can these ppl stoop.

Yaar more than RCB losing today's match, I was more upset about this. Hopefully, they bounce back in the next match though. I'll still scream my lungs out supporting them.

Support your team ppl. Be aggressive in your celebrations. But be respectful. No team goes to the field to loose. So stop the disrespect to the players.

Ik I rant a lot over here... But this is literally the most decent n non toxic platform. Twitter is the worst.

Also, I am back. Got busy with my 12th boards so I wasn't active. Thanks to all the love you have showered here to this book. It was literally on 5k when I left n now, its 13k years.
From being someone who literally was like- "eh who cares about cricket" to waiting for a match everyday, I have come a long way. I have interacted with a lot of amazing ppl here.
And I can't express my love enough for all the other ict fanfic writers here.
You guys were my stress relievers during my boards n I love you sooooo much for it.


Also, I had my doubts about this book after the sting operation. I thought I won't continue this. But then so many of you were enjoying it and asking me to continue, so I thought, irrespective of whatever came out of the operation, I started writing this book before all of that so my characters are going to be nice in this one. Everyone is a big happy family except some ppl who you will see in the later chaps.
Also, special thanks to ictFiction and @ayaana_18 and everyone who voted and commented on the previous chapters.Also, sorry if I forgot to mention any of my other readers.
Its been soo long that I cant see the names anymore. Soo just wanted to mention that I love all my readers the same.

Also, I was re-reading some parts to refresh where I had left off and realised that my auto correct had decided to be a pain in the a** and changed a lot of words. Plus, there were some mistakes in continuity.

Sooo, I thought, since I'm free now, I'll probably update everyday. But the chapters might be shorter than the previous ones..
Actually, I would prefer a vote on this...

Should I post short chapters everyday? Or long chapters every alternate days?
Also,I'll be simultaneously editing the previous chapters. So if you want, you can go read it again... I'll put a (E) next to the edited ones.

Okie, this note is longer than my chap ig. It's currently 2:15 in the morning. And I just had to get all of this off my chest. I'll try to make the updates a bit longer.

So Happy Reading! And suggestions r welcome.

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