ChApTeR - 48❤️

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Blank. That's what Mahi bhai felt. Blank. They were preparing for the next series when Sach pa had informed them that Glenn and Vi had been kidnapped.

"I do not know why we're not taking the first flight back and trying to get our kid back!" he heard Yuvi yelling at Sach pa.

"You think I don't want to do that, Yuv?" Sach pa asked exasperated.

He could not even bring himself to cry. Blank. That's what he was. Blank.

Yuvi just got up and went to his bathroom, leaving a perplexed Sach pa behind. He hurriedly sent a text to Faf and waited for the reply. When the reply came a second later, he turned on the tap.

It took Sach pa a moment to realise that the tap had been running too long. He soon became suspicious. He knocked on the bathroom door impatiently. "Yuv, what are you doing in there?"

He got no reply in return.

"Yuv, come on open the door or I'll break it down" he threatened. After several tries without a response, Sach pa kicked the door open to find a wide eyed and guilty looking Yuvi pa on the phone. "Who are you talking to?" Yuvi pa shook his head and did not reply. Sach pa snatched the phone from his hand and looked at the screen. The other person had been smart enough to hang up. He looked at Yuvi pa again. "What did you do, Yuv?"

"The right thing"

"The right…." Sach pa quickly went through dialed number and looked at his brother incredulously. "You called Faf? What did you tell him? Yuvi! what did you do?" Sach pa asked shaking his idiot of a brother.

"The truth" Yuvi wheezed through rattling teeth. "I told him the truth"

"You told him… for God's sake, Yuvi, do you know what you've done?" Sach pa asked, incensed. He pushed Yuvi into the bedroom and in a no nonsense voice, told him to stay put if he didn't want any more trouble. He dug out his phone and called Dale, hoping he wasn't too late. About an hour later, he came back into the room  where the two brothers were sitting. "I fixed it. I called Dale and they are dealing with Faf and AB. Do you know how stupid that was, Yuvi? I know you guys are concerned, but you guys have a responsibility here! This is a very delicate situation that is being dealt with by the people who actually can do something. If you go there, they will kill you too." He sighed and got up. "Get some sleep little brother. We have a game to play tomorrow. It's just the matter of two days. I'm worried too. Let this series be over. We will go back." Sach pa promised as he took both his brothers in a hug.


That was five days ago and now two sets of concerned older brothers were waiting for their younger brothers to gain consciousness. They had left as soon as they could which to their disappointment could only be 2 days later.

Glenn was the first one to gain consciousness. A hand touched his cheek and Glenn panicked. His stomach dropped and his fists tighten with horror. He thought it was safe! Was he just dreaming? He needs to leave. He must go! He can't stay here anymore.

"Maxi!" A voice shouts as he scrambled off the bed and smashes into the hard ground. He needed to get away. But his eyes were too heavy - he was too tired to keep it open. So he closed them.

The next time his consciousness grounds, there isn't anyone talking. No hands trying to grab at his face or grip him. He's laying on something soft and not the cold hard floor. He focused on what he can pick up on his surroundings without getting up.

His mind is still clouded, but vague memories leak in. The cold room, Jyran and his men beating him and Virat - wait Virat! Where is he? He must get to him! His body hurts and he barely gets up before hands grab at his shoulders and shove him back down.

"Max! Calm down, boy! It's ok, you're safe!" a voice tells him. He knows that voice. It's nice and warm. "That's it boy, calm down! Your brothers just went to have a quick bite. They'll be here soon." Maxi tried to place to whom the voice belonged to. Dale!

"Dale?" Maxi asked weakly.

"Yes. I'm right here." the voice soothed him.

"Where is Virat?" he asked.

"He's going to be alright." Dale answered.

"Is he awake?" he asked hopefully.

"Not yet." was the simple reply that he got. He wanted to ask more but his eyes were closing off again.

" Sleep. You're tired." the voice told him and he obeyed. He was safe.

"He has to be fine. I promised him." he mumbled before he completely closed off.

"It's been three days. Shouldn't they be awake?" AB asked concerned after Maxi went unconscious again after the episode.

"There's nothing wrong with then except physically. They might have memories of whatever happened down there. But I don't think it will take more than a few therapy sessions. Their bodies are trying to catch up with all the abuse and starvation." the doctor told them.

"It didn't look good  when Maxi woke up the last time..." Faf added.

"Those two have been through a lot, Faffy!" Dale tried to explain but if he was being true ro humself, even he was terrified for the boys. He couldn't imagine what he would do of anything worse happemed to the boys.

A groan. Bright lights. Hushed whispers. Mother of all headaches is what welcomed Glenn back to the land of consciousness and alerted the others in the room.

"Maxi. Are you awake? Come on Maxi; let's see those lovely baby blues'

"Did you just call my eyes lovely, Faffy?"

Dale huffed a laugh. "You're okay. He's okay" he said to Sach before turning back to Maxi. "How do you feel?"

"Like road kill. My heads killing me"

"That's expected after everything you've been through... You have been unconscious for three days!"


"What is the last thing you remember?" Mahi bhai asked. He had come in as soon as he heard Maxi groan, leaving Virat for Rohit  and Yuvi to fawn over.

"We went out to buy ice cream.... And then a car pulled up and some men grabbed Virat.... I jumped in with them..... They kept hitting us - Virat!" Maxi exclaimed trying to get out of bed.

"Hey, take it easy bud. Relax, Maxi. Stop moving! You'll tear your stitches. Virat's okay"

"....they kept beating us so much!… wait, what?"

"Virat is fine!" Maxi looked immensely relieved. 

 "Well, can you help me to the washroom? I really need to pee!" Glenn whined as AB and Faf chuckled.

"Sure, of course" Dale responded, scooping Maxi up into his arms in a bridal carry.

"W-what are you doing?" Maxi sputtered. "I said help me, not Disney princess carry…"

"Oh but why the fuss Cinderella?" Dale chuckled. "How do you think I got you here the first time?"

The first… oh God, you're never going to let me live it down, are you?" Maxi groaned looking at Faf and AB

"Nope" the duo laughed heartily.

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