ChApTeR - 49 ❤️

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Virat woke up. Alive. Maxi doesn't learn this by Dale calmly telling him, no, but rather waking up to the said man - child curled up on the chair beside his bed. He nearly jumped, as adrenaline pumped through him. But quickly pouted. Jump scares were his thing!

"Virat." He hisses, glancing at the door. How did he even get in here, past everyone? He hadn't gained consciousness in three days and now he's sitting in the chair next to him.

Virat moans softly and lifts his head, staring at him through his messy black hair.

"Virat what are you doing in here?" Maxi demanded, shoving up onto one elbow. "You need to be laying down. How did you get in here?"

"Walked." Vi mumbled under his breath. The word 'obviously' went unsaid.

"In your state?" Glenn's voice rose, incredulousness bathing it.

He's going to hit him. He shoves up into a sitting position properly, his jaws clenched tight. How can he just walk off like this? His brothers had been a mess for days!

Somewhere, distantly, he's flattered that he came to him.

"Okay just come here!" Maxi said as he moved a little to make space for Virat to climb in when he saw how exhausted he was. Once he was sure that Virat was secure next to him, he pressed the button that the nurse had told him to press should he need something.


The nurses desperately tried to take Virat from Maxi's bed but Virat just wouldn't budge. So the next best thing, was to adjust them in such a way in which both of them were comfortable.

AB and Faf had just come back after having some food after intense persuasion and threats from Dale. And when they had come up, they were welcomed by a panicking Rohit saying that Virat was missing.

Worried, they headed over to Maxi's room to see if Maxi was still in there when someone told them that the nurse had gone in a hurry to the room, (which did not ease their anxiety in the slightest and ran towards the room) only to see him cuddling with Virat. They quickly called Rohit to tell them that Virat was in Maxi's room and that he was safe. The whole squad came there huffing and puffing, royally pissed but at the same time awing.


Of course, they have to be dramatic at the cost of us having a heart attack!" someone commented and all of them laughed until the nurse politely asked them to shut up.

But nothing could dampen the older brothers' mood right now. Their little brother were safe and with them. What more could they possibly want?


All the brothers were just sitting in the room not doing anything much. It had been almost three hours since the boys had dozed off.

Rohit couldn't help but overthink. These last few days had been a roller coaster. He hadn't even known that he had a younger brother. To him, Virat was just a random kid that Sach pa had brought home in the beginning. But ever since the movie night, he couldn't help but let his protective side let lose over the boy and when he had finally got to know the truth, he couldn't have been happier. He loved the idea of being the older brother. He had someone to look after, someone to pamper. He had it all planned out in his head. He would play his best knock in the matches and make his little brother proud. His heart broke when Virat asked him if he absolutely have to go with those puppy eyes. He had promised himself then, that he would spend all the time with him when he came back. His little brother being kidnapped, well, he didnt even want to think about it. He had wanted ti quit the match,come back and search for his little brother but he couldn't. And for the first time, he felt truly hopeless. He had already lost his little brother once. He was absolutely not going to go through that again. "Those bastards better be glad I was not there at the time." Rohit thought to himself furiously. "Or I would be in jail charged for first degree murder and the police wouldn't even get their bones."

Looking at his brothers, he noticed that they were also ready to burst at any time. He had never seen Mahi bhai and Yuvi pa look so angry before. Even AB and Faf were way too calm, like before a thunder storm. "Well, on second thoughts, the bastards were lucky that none of the big brothers were there at the time." Rohit thought. He leaned his head on Mahi bhai's shoulder and hummed satisfied when his big brother started running his fingers through his hair. They had recieved a good news, both the boys had woken up, so they were out of danger zone but were still very weak. Those bruises on the duo's faces made him want to draw blood. Any why on God's name did they look so pale, so.... Dead? No! Rohit wasn't going to think that way and he distracted himself with watching both their chests rise and fall.

Suddenly, they heard a groan, quickly followed by another. They didn't have to say anything. They just looked at each other and headed towards the bed. The twinkle in their eyes said everything.

The boys were awake!

Sach pa smiled as he watched Rohit, Mahi and Yuvi hug the life out of Virat, not that the youngest brother was complaining. It felt strange and right at the same time now to acknowledge Virat as their youngest when it had been Rohit' s place for so long. Brothers, reunited by fate. They were where they belonged - with each other.

"He killed mama and papa, bhaiyya!" Virat cried into their arms after adjusting to the lights.

"We know, bacha!" Mahi bhai said as he ran his fingers through Virat's hair momentarily closing his eyes in pain. Virat clung onto his brothers who were content to have him in his arms.

"What happened to him?" Maxi asked from his place where he was being smothered by Faf and AB. Who the 'he' was did not need to be specified.

"For some reason, he thought that he could still escape. He tried to fire my gun at me but the bullet missed and rebounded and ended up hitting him." Vishal bhaiyya said as he walked in.

"So he really is gone?" Virat asked.

"Haan humesha k liye!" Mahi bhai assured as he hugged Virat.

"Why did it take you so long to find us?" Maxi whined.

"Cause Jyran knows how to cover his tracks quite well. We tried to search for him for years but we couldn't find him. Even this time, he cleaned after him so well, that it was hard for us to track you down. You guys were literally hidden away in an abandoned building." Vikas bhaiyya answered.

"How did you find us then?" Virat asked curious.

"Well-" Yuvi pa started.

"You're welcome for saving your life!" Kane said coming in with Steve.

"Wait - What? You don't mean?-" Virat and Maxi muttered.

"These kids were having nightmares everyday after the two of you were taken away." Vikas bhaiyya started.

"So to get our mind off you two idiots, we decided to hang out with kids in an orphanage" Steve continued.

"More like we pushed your hinds out of bed to stop you from mopping about." Vikas bhaiyya muttered while Steve just gave him the stink eye while Vikas bhaiyya raised his hands in mick surrender.

"The kids wanted to play ghost in an abandoned building. So we thought we'll join them" Kane added ignoring the bickering.

"And then we saw the same car that you had been taken away in and called these oldies." Steve completed.

"Wow!" Maxi and Virat exclaimed in unison.

"I know we are amazing!" Steve exclaimed.

"What happened after that?" Virat asked totally engrossed. Maxi looked equally excited while Dale and Sach pa looked at their wards in disbelief. Don't blame them, they just love adventure, action thriller stories...

"You know how they say that being over confident is the worst one can do to themself? -" Vishal bhaiyya continued.

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