ChApTeR - 50 ❤️

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With the terrible trio -

"Did the boy sign the paper?" Gautam asked as he swirled his drunk in the glass.

"No. Both the boys are refusing..." Jyran answered keeping his distance. Gautam suddenly through the glass towards the wall and the three occupants watched as the glass shattered.

"Two 17 year old boys. You can't make two teenagers do such a small thing?" Jyran asked furious.

"Its not that we are not trying, Jyran. But that Virat kid can barely stay conscious and that other kid is still putting  up a fight." Gokul said as a way of explanation.

"If the kid is causing a problem, then put the kid in his place. There are so many guns here, take one, and blow his head off!" Jyran yelled again.

"That is too risky! The boys' brothers will not stop looking for them!"

"Let them look! As if they will be able to find them... Don't tell me you are growing a soft corner for these boys. Its because of their dads that my brother Naveen was in jail." Jyran exclaimed clenching his jaw.

Flash back-

"Divorce cases, annoying little things." Arjun uncle said to his brother as he looked over his new case files. Prem uncle had been working from home today, but had come into the office to check in.

"Tell me about it," Prem uncle said rubbing his head. "I got a new one where the man is refusing for a divorce. There has been proof that he has been abusing that poor lady. So much proof against him, still he doesn't want to give up."

Arjun uncle looked up from the file he was going over.

"What is the guy's name?" He asked.

"Naveen," Prem answered, "Did some research on him, apparently he is a really big deal in the underground world over in Afghanistan. Big name, scares a lot of people. Why do you ask?"

"Small world," Arjun uncle said, "That is the name of my client who I was asked to represent in the divorce case. He has a pretty convincing story. Cheating wife who wants to get a divorce because of extra - marital affairs. But claims that he is a loving husband who still wants his wife back." He continued, feeling a migraine coming.

"You are going to be the one that is suing Prerna!" Prem said.

"Who?" Arjun uncle asked confused.

"You remember our old house, there was a nice lady there.... I forgot her name... She always gave us cookies... Remember, everyone was after her and her daughter because the daughter did not marry an Indian?"

"Yes, I remember. She was such a sweet kid..." Arjun uncle sighed.

"Wait, it is Roshni aunty's daughter? That Prerna?" Arjun uncle said surprised and Arjun uncle nodded, "The world is getting even smaller." Arjun uncle added.

"Yeah," Prem uncle said with a groan. This complicated case just got more complicated.

"So what are we going to do?" Prem uncle asked.

"I'm going to do something that can possibly add more wrinkles on your forehead." Arjun uncle said smirking.

"Whatever you do, can't be more rowdy than your college days, bhaiyya! I already have white hair on my head because of you."  The brothers shared a laugh at that.

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