ChApTeR- 29❤️

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After setting up everything properly, AB and Sonu put everything back in order so that no one doubts them.

"AB, will you please tell us what you have been planning?" Faf and Maxi requested. Pranking was their job and they did not like being out of the loop.

AB looked up for a second as if he was going to answer them and then said.

"Maxi! Do you still have that creepy doll we bought the last time?"

"Yes.... Why?" Maxi asked confused.

"Please be a dear and go and bring it quick! Faf! Go with him" AB requested.

"Okayyyy." The two obliged and left.

With Maxi and Faf-

"I hope AB knows how lucky he is to have friends like us. The things we do for him!" Maxi exclaimed as led Faf towards a window.

"While I agree with that, why exactly are we near a window, mate?" Faf asked confused.

"To climb out of it obviously,silly." Maxi replied like it was a everyday thing.

"What!" Faf whisper - shrieked.

"You did not really expect that we would just walk out of the main entrance to our room right. We'll be caught even before we take a step in." Maxi explained.

"Is this safe?" Faf asked uncertainly.

"Of course, it is. How do you thinking I came back to the room yesterday? " Faf shuddered suddenly remembering how him and AB were welcome into the room by a grinning Maxwell sitting on the window sill.

"Okay.... Let me rephrase that. Is it safe for a normal human being."

"Oh why the fuss cinderella? Scared your body isn't athletic enough to go through this?" Maxi teased.

"Shut up. I'm way more athletic than you. Also, when did you get so cheeky? You know I miss those days you were scared whenever AB and I talked in another language thinking that we were discussing ways to torture you." Faf complained as he got ready to jump.

"Yeah those days are long gone. I know better now. Now jump already." Maxi urged. Faf jumped from the window and landed safety. Thanks to his flexibility, he could save himself from the pots but unfortunately, not from Maxi who fell on top of him.

"Well hello there, darling." Maxi said with a wink.

"You idiot! Get off of me!" Faf said smacking him.

"Hey! No violence against kids allowed here." Maxi frowned as he led Faf to their room from a secret tunnel like pathway.

"How did you even know that these routes existed?" Faf asked intrigued.

"I have my ways, good sir." Maxi said dismissively. "Now, let's search for the darn doll!"

"I think we kept it in the shelf up there." Faf said pointing at a shelf.

"On it!" Maxi said as he climbed up like a monkey and started shoving everything down from the shelf.

"Hey! Careful with that!" Faf exclaimed when he saw Maxi throw down everything.

"Chill! We'll clean it up!" Maxi said still continuing his search.

"No... You'll clean it up." Faf said crossing his arms. "Or AB will kill you."

"But Faffy! We're in this together!" Maxi whined pitifully.

"Keep it down, mate!" Faf exclaimed. "With all the noise they were already making, it was a surprise that no one had come to check already."

"I can't find it up there mate! You sure we kept it here?"

"Well, maybe its the other shelf?" Faf said uncertainly.

"Ok then! Last search." Maxi said as climbed down and landed in a pile of clothes. But then they heard an eery laugh.

"Oh my God! What is that?" Maxi yelped as he got startled by the noise and landed on his butt.

"It's the doll!" Faf said and fished through the pile of clothes on the floor for the doll.

"Oh my God how do I shut it up?!" He asked as the off button was not working.

"Give it to me." Maxi demanded. Faf handed the doll to Maxi who promptly hit it on the table and the doll shut up.

"Will it work again? Did you break it?" Faf asked.

"We know nothing if AB asks." Maxi replies as he went to wash his hands.

"That is a hideous face!" Faf thought looking at the doll as he waited for Maxi to be done. He checked his phone when it pinged with the message
' Meet us in the 7th floor washroom
Faf only hoped that he won't have to climb up a pipe. But with Maxi as the guide with him, he wasn't ruling that out.
Maxi came out soon and both of them waited till they were sure that no one was around and then climbed out the way they had come.

With AB, Sonu and Rohit-

"Boys, go sneak into the cafeteria and get some brownie, a bottle of milk, some orange juice and hot sauce. And come to the seventh floor washroom." He ordered.

"Wait... You're going to eat right now?" Rohit asked in disbelief but Sonu seemed to catch up right away with the first part.

"But why the washroom?" He asked grossed out with the idea of taking food to the washroom.

"Just trust me!" AB replied.

"On it!" He said as he dragged Rohit with him. And then AB waited there in hiding for both the parties to come back. He checked the time. It was going to be 01:00 p.m. And it was a Tuesday! He was quiet happy with an idea when it popped up in his mind. He sneakily made his way to the seventh floor washroom but not before taking a syringe from the biology lab.

Less than two minutes later, he heard a knock on the window of the washroom. First, he thought it was his imagination. Until, he got a message from his best friend-
'Hey! Open the window.'
He quickly rushed towards the window and opened it and pulled his friends inside.

"What in the name of Cupid were you guys doing there?" He asked furious.

"Ask Mr. Maxi here." Faf said easily throwing the boy under the bus.

AB gave a look to Maxi that said 'explain'. So Maxi sheepishly told him all about his shenanigans. AB was quiet for a whole minute.

"When this is all over, young man, you're grounded!"

"Nooooooo you can't ground me!" Maxi frowned looking at Faf for support.

"Do not look at me!" Faf mumbled wanting no part in it.

"Watch me." Was all AB replied. He was fine with a few stunts and games but he was not fine with someone whom he cares about, put their life in risk.

"Where are Rohit and Suresh?" Faf asked trying tk diffuse the tension.

"They should be here soon." AB replied twirling the syringe in his hands.

And the mother hemming AB was replaced by a smirking one.

Faf silently prayed to God for this to be over soon. He wanted his bestie back to normal.

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