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"Hey Faf!" Sonu greeted back cheerfully.

"Why is this old man looking at me like he wants to kill me?" Faf asked playfully looking at Rohit's face.

"We're literally the same age for your kind information, sir. So if I am an old man, then so are you." Rohit said mentally dancing cause he had made a valid pint.

"Am not!" Faf objected.

"Are too!" Rohit replied poking his tongue out.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Boys! None of you are old! If anything, you're both toddlers in 21 year old bodies!" AB exclaimed emerging from behind.

"Couldn't have worded that better AB!" Sonu replied. He looked ready to rip his hair off. "Even toddlers are better than them, on second thought." Sonu added when he saw the duo looking at each other challengingly.

"Hey!" Faf and Ro protested while AB just shook his head.

"Ro, you wanted to say something to these guys right?" Sonu prompted.

"Eh? No? About what?" Rohit replied confused.

"About yesterday.... With Virat?" Sonu hinted exasperated at the rate at which his bestie could forget things. If people ever asked Sonu why he had the fear of being forgotten, then ask his bestie.

"Oh yeah.. About that... Thanks." Rohit said embarassed, Sonu looked exasperated while AB and Faf looked on amused.

"Rohit!" Sonu exclaimed thoroughly unimpressed.

"Hey! I believe I deserve some credit for all that happened yesterday." Maxi piped in from behind.

"You pulled-"

"Hey hey hey! Lower down your voice mate, I'd rather not everyone know that I pulled the fire alarm. They are still out on the hunt for the person who did it." Maxi replied urgently closing Rohit's mouth with his one hand and pushing him slightly across the locker.

"Hey hey hey! What's the crowd there?" They heard the student discipline incharge's voice. He came over only to see Rohit and Maxi in a compromising position.

"Oh."was all that came out of his voice as he stared at Rohit and Maxi, mouth opening and closing like a gold fish ignoring the other three's presence. "Sorry, sorry! Carry on!" He said flustered as he ran to the other side.

The group looked at each other for a whole 30 seconds in silence and then the burst out laughing.

"Did he think that we were-" Maxi trailed off unable to stop his laughter.

"Oh my God!" Rohit shrieked as he doubled over laughing too.

Faf was already on the floor laughing. Sonu was also laughing whole- heartedly. AB took a picture of Maxi and Rohit who for some reason had still not moved from the position.

They heard the first bell go and they tried to straighten up.

"So guys, listen.... I know we have had our own shares of misunderstanding and differences but what you guys did yesterday was amazing. I really appreciate the fact that you guys kept him safe. I can't tell you how scared I was when he first went missing. So, thank you boys."

"Don't mention it Rohit. He somehow knows how to unlock everyone's protective side I guess."

"Tell me about it man. One look from him and everyone would drop down on their knees to give him what he wants." Rohit exclaimed.

"Rohit, I know you might not want to talk about it and that's totally fine. But, how come we didn't know you had a younger sibling? Like, we practically know each other since we were kids." Faf asked.

"Well, he isn't exactly my blood sibling." Rohit answered deciding that the others deserved the truth. "Sachin pa adopted him."

"Wait. You guys aren't related by blood?" Maxi asked confused.

"No... Why?"

"Strange. He really looks like you." AB answered.

"Well, it can support our false made up theory then." Rohit replied shrugging casually.

"So are we friends?" Faf asked uncertainly.

"Of course. If you're fine with it." Rohit replied.

"This could be the start of something new." AB said smiling.

"Absolutely." Sonu agreed.

They heard the second bell ring. They would have to be in the class by the third bell.

"Boy! I don't feel like attending classes today." Maxi whined.

"Me too." Rohit exclaimed.

"Whose class do you have?" Faf asked.

''Mr. Gambhir's. What about you?" Sonu replied.

"Same here man!" Maxi whined.

"Vi got lost because of him yesterday. I have a bone to pick with this man." Rohit said still angry at him. He had told him that Virat did not know where his staff room was. What if it was not AB and Faf who jad found him. Would he even be all right?

"You have no idea how much that warden annoyed us yesterday!" Faf agreed while Maxi looked amused. He had demanded the full story as soon as he had got back to the room.

"Are you guys thinking what I am thinking?" AB and Sonu asked at the same time.

"If it is about how we should already be heading to class because it's so late, then no. You have lost us."Maxi replied.

"No you idiot. We need revenge for all that the warden and professor made us go through yesterday." AB said with a crazy glint in his eyes that scared Faf and Maxi. Sonu had a sick gleam on his face too.

"Are you guys saying what I think you are saying? " Rohit gulped. He was not used to this side of the 'sane' guys.

"Hop on to the revenge wagon boys." AB said as he led the way away from the class towards the teacher's common room.

"So B, what exactly are we doing here?" Faf asked as they neared the common room.

" Wait and watch."was all the reply they got.

So that's what they did- watch as AB skilfully made his way inside. He took the post its on the warden's table and wrote 'I know what you did.' In big scary font not before Maxi had covered the cameras though. Then Sonu got to work and hacked the computer and wrote 'I know what you did that summer' with a suggestive face on Mr. Gambhir's work computer so that it would be what he saw when he first opens it.

AB magically produced a small camera from his bag and placed it behind the clock.

"B, what is that for?" Faf asked looking at his best friend quiet sure that he was possessed. He was not answered.

"B! Don't ignore me!"

"All right! We're gonna give them the scare of their life." AB said proudly.

"By sticking sticky notes and drawing suggestive faces?" Maxi asked underwhelmed.

"Oh this is just quarter of we're planning to do." AB said proudly and Sonu added "picture abhi baki h mere dost!" With a smirk with AB mirroring the same.

"I want our AB back, Faffy! This is a clone!"a terrified Maxi whined to Faf who just gulped.

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