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Mahi bhai parked in the driveway when he noticed that Sachin Pa's car was there too. Which meant, that they were home.

"Wow! We're all dead." Mahi thought to himself.

The trio made their way inside the house as sneakily as possible but the were confronted by a very upset Yuvi.

"Kaha the tum log itne der se?" He asked worried.

"Its a long story Yuvi pa." Rohit said looking at Virat.

"Please, do tell." Sachin pa said as he came from behind. He had been worried. Sachin pa and Jammy bhai were enlisted as Rohit's and Virat' guardians at college and they got to know everything that had happened at college. They had almost got a mini heart attack when they heard that there was a fire situation there. It was the kid's first day at the place and it had started off so badly.

"Haan, batao chalo!" Jammy bhai urged supporting his best friend. And then Rohit explained how Virat had gone missing which earned the latter a few glared.

"Any idea who set the building on fire? They should be reported. This is like destruction of property." Dada said seriously.

"Nahi dada!" Virat objected knowing that it was the guy named 'Maxi' who did it.

"Speak Virat." Sachin pa said monotonously.

So then again, Virat started narrating from his point of view how the events had folded out. How he ended up in the top floor with the seniors and following them to their room, the hide and seek game and the escape plan.

"You just walked into a random stranger's room just like that?" Sachin pa asked in disbelief. How can this boy be this careless.

"But they were good guys na, pa. AB and Far were very nice to me - well, AB was. Faf was a big meanie." Virat complained.

"You were in a room with AB and Faf? Is that where you got the shirt from?" Rohit asked suddenly feeling very jealous and possessive. And he was also mad about the foreign looking shirt that HIS younger brother was wearing.

"Yes." Virat answered to both the questions oblivious to the other boy's feelings.

"Well, lets all of us change out of these clothes and relax." Sachin pa announced when he saw Rohit clenching his hands.

"Okie." Virat squealed as he ran off to his room with Sachin following close behind.

(With everyone except Virat and Sachin pa)-

"Rohit, relax. You're acting as if Faf and AB are running away with your girlfriend. They helped Virat when he needed and by their actions, they are right." Mahi bhai said as he tried to make his younger brother understand the situation.

"Hmph" was all the reply he got.

"Rohit, what problems do you have with those two except for you guys going to be international level competitors?" Yuvi asked.

"They are trying to steal my little brother." Rohit wailed miserably.

"They will do no such thing, Rohit. They might try, but Virat will not move away from you so, that is going to be worthless effort on their part. Besides, I think you should thank them. They just Virat safe and even returned him unharmed." Jammy bhai expressed and reassured amused to Ro's horrified face at the prospect of thanking them. "But we definitely need to talk to Virat about just walking into someone's room." He added when he saw Roh it's upset face.

"Aww, spare the kid Jammy. I'm sure Sach is already giving the kid a piece of his mind." Dada said in the background.

(With Sach pa and Virat)-

"Virat, I need to talk to you about some thing."

"Haan bolo na." Virat said looking through his clothes to wear. Carefully placing AB's short st the top.

"You know that just going into someone's room is dangerous right?" Sachin pa asked consciously.

"But pa, they did not feel the dangerous type." Virat said with a non- commital shrug.

"Maybe these people were not. But what of the others , Virat. I'm just asking you to be careful ok?" Sach pa tried to explain it calmly to Virat. Why couldn't the kid understand that if something would happen to Virat, then it would badly hurt Sachin pa too. He was just trying to calm himself down before he again attempted to explain to Virat but stopped when Virat said again.

"I was very careful." Virat said with a pout.

"Oh is that how you got a bump near your head, Mr. Careful?" Sachin pa asked sarcastically. He immediate went near Virat and applied some numbing cream at that spot.

"Huh? Must have happened when I was crawling out from under the bed." Virat muttered. As stern as Sach pa had decided to appear, the mental image of his kid trying to get out from under a bed and create such a din was very amusing to Sachin. That lasted till Virat opened his mouth again.

"They were just helping. You guys are just overthinking! I'll go to seniors rooms even more often!" Virat grumbled.

Sachin immediately straightened up. He knew that he would have to put hus foot down at some point. And this was that moment.

"Well, in that case, you can stay home from now on." Sachin pa said as he walked towards the door.

"What?" Virat asked dumbly.

"You are under house arrest until you prove that you can act responsibly." Sach oa said simply opening the door.

"But what will I do alone here?" Virat asked grumbling.

"Sleep." Sachin pa replied simply as he closed the door. Virat glared heatedly at the door for some time till he decided that he indeed was tired and went to sleep. 'I am going to sleep because I'm tired. Not because he told me to.' He said to himself as he drifted off to the land of sleep. Sachin pa opened the door two minutes later to see Virat sleeping, his leg still off the bed. Sach pa smiled and adjusted Virat so that he was lying properly on the bad.
'You will be my kid. Always.' He promised the sleepy teenager.

(Back with the group)-

Sachin pa walked into the room only to see Rohit still grumbling about irresponsible little brothers and traitorous co-mates trying to steal HIS little brother. Tbe other occupants of the room looked somewhere between exasperated and amused while Jammy bhai and Mahi looked like they wanted to hit their head on the wall.

"Don't worry Rohit. No one is stealing your little brother." Sach pa said calmly as he need into the room pleased that he had all their attention. "He's on house arrest until he learns how to act more responsibly." He informed the others.

"Yes!" Rohit exclaimed all pumped up and pleased.

"But I also think you should thank AB and Faf." He added when he saw the pleased look on Ro's face.

"What? Why?" Ro asked dumb founded.

"Come on, they kept and returned your younger brother safe." Sachin said as a way of explanation internally laughing at Ro's face.

"Fine. Tomorrow." Rohit said as he stomped off to his room and the others finally let out the laughter that they had been holding off for so long.

The next morning, a certain Singh was not not very pleased. First of all, he couldn't have his little brother with him. Then, he had to wake up early while the said brother was still sleeping. Thirdly, he had to thank his rivals and lastly but definitely not the least of his reasons, his best friend was laughing at him- at his misery to be more specific.

"Shut up Sonu! And tell me how exactly I'm supposed to thank AB and Faf!" He said exasperated.

"Looking for us mate?" He heard a voice from behind.

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