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AB made his way back to the room just in time to see the teacher look at the box of brownies with gooey eyes.

Soon, two more teachers joined her.

"Eh, what is this? Gambhir's not here, but his box of brownies are?" one of them asked.

"Well, usually him and Mr. Gokul eat together. But today, there's only one box of brownies when usually there are two. So that should mean that these are left for us right?" another one asked.

"Well, then we should eat them. They look so delicious! " the  first teacher explained as more teachers entered the common room.

"Oh, they are deadly delicious." AB said.

"Looks like we'll get a holiday tomorrow after all, boys."

The boys looked intently at the screen. They were rewarded with  the same reaction as of Mr. Gautam and Mr. Gokul as all the teachers took a bite of the brownie.

"I should have known that nothing good ever comes out of those men!"one of the teachers cried.

"Them leaving brownies out just to trick us is too cruel."others agreed. The group of five thoroughly enjoyed the drama. They had thought that the teachers would have been suspicious. But instead,  they straight away blamed those two teachers. Well, looked like everyone loved to hate them.

Meanwhile, Mr. Gokul and Mr. Gautam had made their way to the cafeteria.

"What is this?" Mr.Gautam asked as he put down the box of brownies harshly on the counter.

Jadeja, Smith, Kane and Shikhar who were standing next to them understood that this was their cue.

"This is your daily order, sir!" The attendant replied. He was an old jolly man who was not a big fan of Mr. G. So when AB had asked for a little help in a harmless prank, he had willingly helped.

"It is dosed with chilly powder!" Mr. G replied angrily.

"What!?" The attendant pretended to be shocked. He took a bite of the brownie and acted confused.

"Sir, this tastes absolutely fine." He said.

"Absolutely fine, you say? That kind of spice can kill someone!" Mr. Gokul replied this time.

"Sir, with all due respect, I have worked in this cafeteria fira long time. This is how we always give out our brownies and it is definite not spicy."

"Maybe your senses are gone with your age!" Mr. G replied harshly.

"Oh, my senses are wrong? Ok then, we'll ask the children." He turned to the group of four (Smith, Kane, Jadeja and Shikhar).

"Kids, tell me if this is spicy or not." He said handing them the brownies. Thankfully, all four of them had very high tolerance for spice and they gobbled down the brownies like there was absolutely nothing wrong with it while Mr. Gautam and Mr. Gokul looked at them in disbelief. The attendant also sneaked some pieces of good brownies among those dosed with the hot sauce.

"It's perfect, uncle." Shikhar and Jadeja said making satisfied noises while Kane and Smith went with a subtle "they taste like how they always do."

"As you can see professors, there is nothing wrong with the brownies." The attendant said with a satisfied smile.

"You mixed milk into the orange juice!" Mr. G accused rudely.

"The next thing you're going to say is that I added shoe polish to your coffee early in the morning." The attendant replied equally irritated.
"Please, sir there is quite a crowd that we have to serve." He said gesturing behind the duo. They both walked out of the cafeteria, embarassed. The group of four and the attendant shared a laugh among themselves as the boys took out their phones. By 01:45 p.m., there was a huge headline on the college page.

"Not wanting to pay for the purchased food, two teachers tried to find flaws. Read onto know how the situation was dealt with."


Mr. Gautam and Mr. Gokul walked back into the common room at 02:00p.m. still confused about whatever had happened. The staff room was empty because all the teachers had already left for their classes. Finally, the moment for which everyone had been waiting for happened.

The two teachers took in the appearance of the common room and noticed all the post its on the wall but didn't really pay attention to them.

Mr. Gambhir opened his work computer and let out a shriek of pure horror looking at the text. Mr. Gokul looked equally horrified looking at his own computer.

"Anytime now, Maxi!" AB gave the cue for when Maxi would have to play the creepy music.

"What the hell!" Mr. Gautam screamed as he got up from his chair which scooted back noisily.

His chair hit the doll which started madly cackling. Mr. Gokul also got up from his chair looking like he was about to collapse.

"Do you think it is referring to that summer, Gauti?" He asked scared. "Are we being haunted?"

"I don't know Gokul! But after all this time! It had been so long!" he replied.

"Play the track now, Maxi!" AB ordered and Maxwell did.

The track was that of a woman screaming in some horror movie. The fact that it was a windy day just helped the situation as the windows were banging.

Both the professors screamed in terror and ran out of the common room while the group of five were in hysterics in the music room.

"Quick! We need to remove the doll and the camera from there!" AB said as the five ran into the room and took away the doll, the post its and the camera before anyone could come there's and immediately hid inside the music room.

And true to their predictions, Mr.Gautam and Mr. Gokul came back two minutes later with a whole bunch of teachers claiming that the staff room was haunted. Both the professors were talking above each other while the others tried to make sense of what they were trying to say.

"We could hear creepy maniacal laughter, n-notes and music -"

"What laughter? What music? What notes?Are you professors ok?" The principal asked concerned.

"No! Yes! We don't know." They said hurriedly.

Just then, the windows banged again and the two of them screamed scaring the other teachers.

"There is a ghost in this room!" Mr. Gautam and Mr. Gokul wailed.

"Relax professors. It's just the wind." The principal said as want towards the windows to lock them. He gave them a wierd look as he left the room the other  professors following him confused about what exactly happened.

The group of five were still laughing their souls of in the music room when AB's phone pinged with a message.

"You better have all of that recorded"
            - Kane.

He laughed at the horrified look on his friend's face. The innocent Kane was asking for a video of them bullying two teachers.

"Lucky for you,  we do." He replied as he tried to focus his attention back to Faf doing a hilarious narration of what had just happened against - probably to Steve.

"You should have seen his face-" he could be heard saying.

AB was proud of the chaos that he had created. But he couldn't help but think, what exactly happened on a summer that would scare the professors so much? Why did they immediately think that they were being haunted? He waa shook from his thoughts with a

"Am I really grounded?" From a pouring Maxi.

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Get ready boys, we have to perform in 5 minutes" he told Faf and Maxi. And indeed they did. It was 02:25 p.m. Every tuesday, at 02:30, AB , Faf and Maxi would perform a song. That's how they had become friends.  Strong, reliable friends. And today, they had live audience too - new friends.

It really was a start of something new.

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