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"GET UP!!!!!!!!!!" That was Vishal bhaiyya and Vikas bhaiyya yelling at the two boys who were still sleeping.

"Be a little gentle on our ears, eh?" Maxi grumbled while Virat just whined and turned to the other side and promptly went back to sleep.

"It's a school day boys! You guys need to wake up!" Vishal bhaiyya said shaking them.

"It takes 15 minutes to shower and get ready for the class. And then 5 minutes to walk till there. The classes start at 8 o' clock. It's still 6:30." Maxi said momentarily opening his eyes to look at the clock.

"And breakfast?" Vishal bhai asked.

"That takes 10 minutes." Virat mumbled disturbed from all the noise around him.

"So we still need to wake up only by 7:00! That is half an hour later than now!" he stated.

"The classes start at 07:30, Cheeku, Maxi! " they heard a voice from the phone. It was Mahi bhai's voice.

"Bhai 07:30 ko assembly h! " Virat replied.

"Haan toh?" Mahi bhai asked.

"Toh classes to 8 o' clock ko hi shuru hota h! Toh itne jaldi uthne ka kya fayda?" Virat asked.

"Bacha, argue mat kar! Uth ja! You too Maxi! Wake up!"

"But assemblies are boring!!!" Maxi whined.

"I'm sure life would be very boring if I ground you, Maxi!" another voice came from the phone. It was Dale.

"But-" Maxi tried to protest.

"No buts, just get your butt of the bed and get ready for school." Dale said sternly.

"Ok!" Glenn and Virat muttered as they finally got off the bed glaring at the other two occupants of the room because they called their brothers.

The older ones just smirked as they saw the boys enter the washroom.
Seniors - 1
Spoiled princes - 0


"Boys! It has been an hour! Get out!" Vikas bhaiyya said banging on the door.

"We're not done!" Virat and Maxi replied in sync. They were actually done ages ago - they were just playing rock, paler , scissors inside to kill time.

"What are you guys even doing in there?" Vishal bhai said exasperated.

"Do you want a minute by minute update?" Virat asked sarcastically.

"No thank you." Vikas bhai said quite alarmed.

The older ones waited for 5 more minutes before they banged at the door again.

"You guys have to be done by now!" Vikas bhaiyya exclaimed.

"Boys! I'm coming in!" Vishal bhaiyya said.

"We're still taking a shower." Virat exclaimed.

"If you boys need more than an hour in the shower, then I think you will need help." Vikas bhai said.

"But we're naked in here." Glenn said followed by a yelp.

"I know how people take a shower, Max. And I dont think there's anything there that I have never seen before." Vishal bhaiyya said irritated and opened the door only to be vigorously splashed with water.

"You guys are dressed." Vishal bhai stated the obvious once the attack was over.

"Yes, and we have been for the past 45 minutes. We played an interesting game of rock, paper scissors." Virat told them like a child telling their parents what happened at school that day.

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