Chapter Twenty-Two

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[A/N] - Okay, I'm never doing that. The week went by way too slow and I wanted to write so bad. Right now, it's 11:00 PM and I have 59 minutes to write a hopefully three paged chapter. I wanted to ch- fuck, 11:01.

I walked outside of the school building with Bryce, Guadalupe, Angie, Cole and Garrett. We all went to the parking lot and Cole slung an arm over my shoulder.

"She's going with us." he said with a smirk, "So no ladies night, ladies."

"We never mentioned one." said Guadalupe with an annoyed expression, "But do you re-"

"Ahhhh, she's with us." countered Bryce, "Whether you like it or not."

Guadalupe had a murderous expression on her face and it all dropped when she pouted.

"I hate you guys."

"We love you too." said Bryce and Cole in sync.

"Twins." muttered Angie, "Take care, make sure she gets home safe."

"Bye." said Garrett waving at us with everyone.

"She's going to drive with me." said Cole, gesturing to his car.

"Fine with me."

Cole unlocked his car doors with his keys and opened the door for me. I slipped in and inhaled the expensive leather smell. Wow, I never been in this car for a while. I looked over at Cole, who just slipped inside, and closed the door. He smirked at me and revved his engine.

"Oh G-"

"Yeah baby!" he said revving it again.

He rolled his window down and Bryce started to rev his too. Oh no, are they going to race? Bryce and Cole had sports cars that looked like their parts were worth more than our school. They both drove to the front of the parking lot and Bryce rolled down his window.


"You're on, bitch!" yelled Cole.

"On your mark!" 

"Get set!"

"Go!" They both yelled, excitement clearly shown on their faces.

Both cars zoomed out of the parking lot, making a sharp left and moving at an extremely fast speed. My heart began to beat fast and I looked out of the window. Everything became a blur until I heard the sound of Cole's engine revving again. Suddenly, I saw Bryce's car get left behind. I cheered Cole on and enjoyed this feeling. Before I could even blink, Bryce's car zoomed past Cole's. I looked over at Cole who had a scowl on his face. Then, we started to approach an intersection. Cole looked at me and smirked.

"Cole, slow down!"

He revved his engine more and began to scream in excitement.

"Cole, slow the fucking car down!"

His foot pressed against the pedal and the car started to go at a blinding speed. Only pale colors blurred outside of the window. My heart began to beat even faster, I was panicking. I grabbed the steering wheel and Cole began to block me from it.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled looking between me and the road.

Finally pushing me off, we approached the intersection. I looked outside of the window. It was as if this wasn't a blur. The one thing that scared me, the one thing I knew would have happened.

A truck.

A fucking truck.

A fucking truck with that silver thingy at the front,

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