Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Oh shit!" I yelped in surprise.

Cole kept on jumping on the bed and he finally jumped off.

"Good morning!" he yelled, a smile plastered on his face.

"Holy fucking shit, what was that about?"

"Well, it's 9:00."

"I- Dude, we have school!" I yelled, trying to get out of bed.

Instead, Cole put his legs in between me and put his arms on both sides of my neck. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed.

"No school."


"Because I said so."

"Cole, we have to get to school, we're l-"

"Oh come on." he said plopping down next to me, "You're always at school."

"Dude, I can't ruin my perfect attendance!" I cried.

"No prob, I'll just get the doc to write you an excuse, so there you go."

I paused and mumbled things under my breath. Cole yawned and stretched.

"What do you want to do first?"

"Go to school.." I mumbled.

The bed suddenly felt more comfortable. I closed my eyes and sighed in relaxation. I then realized Cole turned the vibrate on... but I didn't mind it. I mean, this feels amazing. 

"There's a grief that can't be spoken."

I looked over at Cole and raised my eyebrow.

"There's a pain goes on and on."

"What are you t-"

"Empty chairs at empty tables." he mumbled, "Now my friends, are dead, and gone."

I was about to ask but then I realized what it was.

"Les Mis?" I said with a small smile.

"That part man..." he mumbled, "That shit gave me some feels."

"Me too." I nodded in agreement, "You should try out for Marius."

"Seriously?" he said as he sat up, "I don't have a singing voice."

"Just make your voice stand out. Put a lot of power and emphasis into the most emotional parts."

"But they all are." he mumbled, "Should I have Guadalupe help?"

"Of course! Guadalupe's voice is amazing. I heard she was going to try out too, you should ask her."

In a rush, he got up and ran out of the room. The bed was still vibrating and I sighed with a smile on my face. 


Miguel's Point of View

Is she late? I checked my watch and glanced at the door. My fingers were drumming on my desk. I couldn't stop glancing at my watch. I looked up at the class and realized everyone was staring at me.

"Um, Mr. Romano." said Guadalupe, her eyes not meeting mine, "What are you waiting for?"

I almost smirked when I realized she was still embarrassed from the time I caught her saying cute things about me.

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