Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I'm sorry guys... it's getting harder and harder to update. I guess that's what happens when a story's coming to a close soon. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. Sorry guys :|

It was Christmas break. Miguel had invited me over his house to spend some time. I brought some things over with me that I'd need.

When I came back, I expected his room to be just how we left it. He tried his best to stall, but I eventually found it just as disgusting as it was.

"I'm surprised you don't have roaches." I said with a scowl, "Now I'm going to make sure you clean this up all on your own."


"Don't you stutter, you bum!" I hissed, "Now start cleaning."

"You're not going to help me?" he said childishly.


He pouted and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was acting like a child and honestly, it was really cute.

Like a mother, I pointed to his room and spent the next two hours watching him clean up. The room was about halfway finished, this time, you were able to walk.

He came out and wiped his sweat. You'd expect him to be done with an intense workout. He took off his shirt and flung it to the corner of his room. I raised an eyebrow and he paused. Slowly, he looked up at me, a nervous chuckle leaving his mouth. He eventually went to get it and put it in the laundry basket.

About a good three hours later, we were finished. I sighed with a smile and looked over at him.

"If we're going to be in a relationship, the first rule is to be clean."

He scowled but nodded his head. I smiled at him and squeezed his shoulder.

"I never knew relationships had rules." he mumbled.

"We'll this one does."

He scoffed and I couldn't help to laugh. We went into his kitchen and put some frozen pizza in the oven,

"So it is true."

"What's true?"

"Italians love pizza."

"Well fuck it, I love pizza."

"Do you even workout?"

"Back in Italy I used to work out for about... six to nine hours a day."

"Seriously?!" I gasped.

"Yeah, it was kind of a guilty comfort. If I couldn't sleep, I'd workout. If I was bored, I'd workout. If I had free time, guess what?"

"You'd workout?"

"No, I'd study."

I rolled my eyes and Miguel opened the oven once the timer went off. We put two slices on a plate and headed to the living room. We plopped down on the couch and Miguel turned the tv on.

We ate for a little and Miguel went over the cabinet that I didn't realize was there until now. Opening it, he took out two shot glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

He sat down and poured me a shot. With a nod, I downed it. He downed his and I rested my head, loving the burning sensation in my throat.

"Why are you making me drink?" I asked.

"Why not? I understand you're a minor, but if you're willing to date someone my age while knowing my job title, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind drinking."

I nodded and poured myself and him some. Our glasses clacked when we held them together and we downed it.

"I love whiskey." I said with a sigh, "Though I do prefer vodka."

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