Is this paradise? (pt. 1)

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TW: mention of a case, mention of death, mention of murder, mention of stabbing, mention of oralsex, penetrative sex


June 27th - saturday


Spencer woke up to a screaming Ava and turned on the light, softly shaking her shoulder. "Hey Ava, Ava, Baby come, wake up."

She eventually did, her eyes showing pure panic and she tried to pull something invisible over her chest before she recognized Spencer. "Ava, Baby, it was a dream. I'm here, I'm still here" Reid pulled her in a tight embrace while Ava cried and he got lost in thoughts about the words she had shouted: 'Get him off me' and Rossis name. What had happened? Gently he stroked over her head. "I'm here Baby, it's okay."

Ava suddenly sat back up and looked at him, opening her mouth but Spencer instantly said "Don't apologize." He glanced at the clock, it was almost three. "Come, Baby, take a shower. We gotta leave in thirty minutes" Spencer placed a kiss on her head and Ava smiled, before she walked in the bathroom.


The jet departed at 4.15am and they all looked tired. "So what is the deal?" Morgan asked.

"Four dead prostitutes, stabbed and then shot" Hotch informed them, handing out the files.

"Stabbed and THEN shot?" Ava asked and Hotch nodded.

"Why that? That's a total overkill" Prentiss said.

"What do we know about the victims?" Reid asked.

"Not much, between 18 and 24, all brunette with long hair, working in diffrent parts of Honolulu but none of them lived there" Hotch answered. "Okay, get a little more sleep, it's still early and the flight is long."


They landed in the afternoon and were greeted by sunshine as they stepped out of the jet. "Damn" Morgan said and put his sunglasses up while they drove to the police department and entered a completely diffrent world. Everyone was calm and relaxed and as much as Reid hated it, stared at Ava who looked stunning in her kneelong skirt and the tanktop.

They sat up in a small conference room and while they unpacked, a young, blond officer came over to them. "Hola, you wanna join us later at the beach?" He asked Ava who looked at him in disbelief.

"Keep your eyes of my girl, buddy" Derek wrapped his arm around Avas waist and the officer quickly disappeared.

Ava stood there in complete disbelief. "I'm literally hanging pictures of tortured women and he has the audacity to ask me?" She shook her head and briefly looked at Morgan. "Thank you."

"Anytime Atlas" he replied and walked over to the whiteboard as if nothing had happened.

Ten minutes later Hotch walked in the room with an elderly woman. "This is Lieutenant Hold, in charge for this case" he said and she quickly breefed them over the newest developments.

An hour later Ava drove with Spencer and Morgan to the last victims home. "Oh maaaan" Morgan said as he looked out the window, just seeing palms, beaches and the ocean.

Ava giggled. "It hits diffrently, huh?"

"Yes, have you ever been here before?" Derek asked her.

"Uhm.. yes, I uhm... I have spent a few summers here as I was younger" she looked at Morgan. "Wait until we're around the corner." Reid saw what she had meant, the cliffs, the ocean, the sunset. "The sun goes down pretty early and pretty quickly" Ava explained and as they finally reached the latest victims house, it was almost dark.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon