
138 9 2

TW: penetrative sex, rough sex, hairpulling, masturbation (Ava)


July 9th - thursday

Ava woke up at seven, slowly opening her eyes, feeling Spencers breath on her neck and his arm around her. She inhaled deeply and moved a bit causing Spencer to wrap his arm tighter around her and mumble something inaudible in his sleep. Ava quietly laughed and tried to slip down, but Spencer didn't let her. "Too early, Snoop" He whispered. "Let's stay in bed and sleep through the day."

"That sounds good, but I have to go to the office" Ava giggled.

"Nooooo. I don't want you to leave" Spencer growled and intertwined his fingers with hers. "And I'm never gonna leave you."

Ava sighed and cuddled herself deeper in his arms. Ten minutes later Spencer was asleep again and she waited five more minutes before she slipped down and quietly got up, grabbing some clothes and sneaking into the bathroom.


An hour later she knocked on Hotch's office door and stepped in. "Hey Aaron."

"Ava, Good morning, how are you?" He rounded his desk and pulled her in a tight hug, placing a kiss on her head.

"I'm okay, Hotch, it's okay, don't worry."

"I'm sorry, Ava" he said. "For everything. I... I'm sorry."

"Okay, hey uhm... do you know why Thompson wants to see me?"

"No, does he?"

"Yes, he called me last night at eleven" Ava said. 

"I have no idea, you want me to join you?"

"Yes I think that would be great" she smiled at him and he hugged her once more. Suddenly she remembered what Reid had told her a couple of days ago and hugged Aaron tighter. "I got a few things to do, pick me up in my office in an hour?"


Spencer woke up alone. He stretched and slowly opened his eyes, seeing a small note on the nightlamp.

Be back soon,
Still here, A.

He smiled and got up, thinking about the previous day and what Ava had done in the car, she was driving him crazy, that was for sure.


As the secretary knocked on George Thompsons door, Chief Strauss came to them. "Agent Hotchner, I'm surprised to see you here."

Ava sensed that the chief didn't want him there. "I asked him to join me. He is my emotional support animal."

The secretary waved them all in but Hotch held Avas hand back and whispered "Be careful, Ava, something is going wrong here."

As they stepped in the office, Director Thompson stood there with Agent Callahan and politely greeted them. "Ava, you know Agent Callahan?" The director asked as they all had sat down and Ava nodded. "Good, we've been searching for a new partner for you for a while and we think that he could be that. Erin and I think that the two of you..." he sudenly stopped and looked at Avas neck, two hickies were clearly visible. Ava swallowed and just stared at him until he continued "...would make great partners, We will give Callahan the needed clearance and you can start breef him."

"I'm still on sick leave" Ava slowly said feeling uncomfortable with the way Thompson stared at her neck. "I can start train him on monday."

"Dr. Atlas twisted her ankle and is not supposed to walk too much" Hotch interjected and Strauß and Thompson exchanged a look.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang