...that changes everything

108 11 18

TW: mention of death, mention of minor's death, mention of scars, mention of injuries, penetrative sex


Spencer quickly walked into the office building, saw the restrooms instantly and stepped into the womens bathroom. "Ava?" He quietly asked and heard her throw up a second later.

"GO AWAY" she shouted.

Spencer slowly stepped closer and noticed Ava was in the last cabin kneeling in front of the toilet. "Ava, I'm here, okay?"

"Get the FUCK out, Spencer" she growled. "Leave me alone."

He hesitated but decided to stay. "I'm not gonna leave you alone." 

"Spencer, I swear, get the FUCK OUT" Ava pressed the words out before she threw up again.


"Spence. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT" she shouted once more and he took a deep breath.

"No. I'm not gonna leave you. Not now. And never" he quietly said and sat down next to the heating a few feet away from her. "I promised you that. And I keep that promise."

Ava threw up for six more minutes before she sat down, leaning against the wall, Spencer didn't say anything. After ten more minutes Ava slowly got up and so did Spencer who saw that she was broken, completly. Quickly closing the gap between them he just pulled her in a tight embrace, Ava cried in his chest and he wrapped his arms tight around her, resting his lips on her head.

"I'm still here, Ava, I'm still here. We'll make it through" he whispered while Ava slowly stopped crying, and placed a kiss on her head. "I'm never gonna leave you, Baby."

Ava suddenly whispered something but Spencer didn't understand it. "What?" He asked and then they heard the door open and both took a step away from each other.

"Atlas? You okay?" It was Rodriguez.

Ava looked at Reid and stepped around the corner. "Yes, I'm fine."


She had left the bathroom with Rodriguez and Spencer followed them a minute later, seeing Ava standing there with him, talking as the Lieutenant came over to them. "I didn't have hope but they praised you more than an old egyptian goddess" he said and patted Avas back. "It's never easy to shoot a kid."

He walked off and just as Spencer joined them Rodriguez nervously licked his lips. "What's wrong, Rod?" Ava asked and Spencer felt a cold in her voice that he had never heard before.

Rodriguez looked to the right and back at Ava and she tensed. "You knew it" she said so quietly that Spencer had almost misheard it. The mans reaction gave Ava the answer to her unspoken question and she tilted her head a bit. "You KNEW it?"

And then everything went quickly, Ava jumped and threw Rodriguez to the floor, sitting on him. "YOU LET ME SHOOT A KID, YOU KNEW IT AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO TELL ME?" She yelled and hit him hard in the face. Two SWAT members grabbed Avas hips and pulled her away, she was fighting like crazy.

"YOU BASTARD KNEW IT" She screamed and kicked with her legs. Spencer was aghast, his heart broke for Ava who was still fighting and crying. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD KNEW IT" She screamed and Rodriguez sat up, his nose bleeding heavily. Ava hit one of the SWAT members with her elbow in the nose and freed herself jumping on Rodriguez again. "YOU MADE ME SHOOT A KID. A FUCKING KID AND YOU WATCHED ME DO SO."

She screamed, her hands on his face before the other men managed to pull her away again, Avas feet kicked air and she shouted and cursed and yelled. Rodriguez stood up and spit blood on the floor, looking at Ava who was still furious. "YOU ALL KNEW THAT. YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES TRAPPED ME" she shouted and was fighting harder than ever.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now