Wrong decisions, right decisions

118 9 11

TW: mention of sex, death of two agents, injury of a character, angst


December 3rd - Saturday

Spencer pulled out of Ava and rolled to the side. "Fuck, Ava, fuck" he shouted breathless and briefly closed his eyes. "You're killing me."

Ava giggled and reached for his hand. "God, that was an orgasm, Baby!"

"Oh, I noticed that" he smirked and slowly shook his head, still trying to catch his breath.

"You really are a naughty boy, Dr. Reid" Ava rolled to her side and half on top of him, placing a kiss on his sweaty chest. "I would have never guessed that as I have met you."

"Neither did I."

"Fuck, Baby, you really made me sweat. Up for a shower?"

While she rinsed out the shampoo Reid looked at her, thinking about the last days, it had been a rough week for Ava, she had worked almost 14 hours a day, yet they had fucked every morning and twice after work. And today they had already fucked four times and it was only two, somehow they still couldn't get enough of each other.

Cuddled up on the couch and watching a movie Spencer softly stroked over Avas head, enjoying the time they had left as she would leave in two hours. "Will you come back tomorrow?" He asked.

"Maybe. Maybe monday at work, depends on the outcome" Ava replied and stretched a bit, trying to get the nervosity away.

"I hope tomorrow" he placed a kiss on her hair. "I like to sleep next to you."

"Is that so, Dr. Reid?"


"So do I" Ava said quietly and imagined a possible future of the two of them as a normal couple. If everything would work out right tomorrow, she would finally be free and they didn't have to hide anymore.

Softly smiling she got lost in a daydream, thinking about how she would tell Hotch on sunday to get the promise that neither of them would get fired and then she would just walk over to Reid on monday in the middle of the bullpen and kiss him in front of all their colleagues. Avas smile got wider as she imagined Morgans face as suddenly Reids voice tore her out of that dream. "Why are you smiling?"

"Oh nothing, I just... I'm happy" she whispered and closed her eyes again.

"That's something I like to hear."

"Oh, I guess there are things you'd rather like to hear."

"Like what?"

Ava softly smiled. "Let's have sex. I have to leave in an hour."

"Agree on the first half of the sentence" Spencer whispered and lifted her up, carrying her over to the bedroom.


They had made love and were now lying close together, Ava listening to his heartbeat, her head on his chest.
"Are you okay, Ava? You seem a little... tensed?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, I... tomorrow is a big day, it's going to be very stressy."

"I'm here if you wanna talk, Baby."

Ava broke into a soft smile. "I know. Maybe... when tomorrow is over" she whispered and sighed. "I gotta go."

Spencer slowly nodded and they got up and dressed. Ava packed a small bag and gave Spencer another deep kiss that made his heart stop for a moment. "Be careful, Ava" he whispered, his hands on her face.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora