Losing focus

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TW: penetrative sex, oral sex (Spencer receiving)

Yeah, that is a lot of smut and fluff (they make loooooooooove), but the next chapter will be really hard for them.... so.... they can enjoy this day....


September 14th - Sunday

J: "Good morning, Nikolaj"
A: "Good morning, John"
J: "How are you today?"
A: "Tired."
J: "Why so?"
A: "It is seven, John."
J: "Then go to bed earlier."
A: "I have a life."
J: "Is that so, Nikolaj? Is there someone in your life?"
A: "Nope."
J: "Come on, Nikolaj, you are a pretty girl, how long is it since you've broken up with Colin?"
A: "Almost six years."
J: "Aren't you lonely?"
A: "No."
J: "Are you sure? There is no boyfriend?"
A: "No."
J: "What are your plans for today?"
A: "I don't really have some."
J: "Hmm, I thought you have a life?"
A: "Yeah... but not that early on a sunday."
J: "Something has changed with you, Nikolaj."
A: "What do you mean?"
J: "Something is diffrent. Anyway, have a nice day."

John hang up and before Hotch could say something Ava did as well, not willing to handle that today. She was sitting in the kitchen on the floor thinking about how John was blocking her life and she feared what he would do if he would find out about Spencer.

At half past seven Ava sneaked back in the bedroom and cuddled herself back in Reids arms, who woke up to this and pulled her closer. "Too early, Baby" he mumbled and instantly fell back asleep. Ava smiled and softly stroked over his arm knowing that THIS was hers and she would do ANYTHING to protect Spencer and keep him safe.


Spencer woke up an hour later and broke into a smile as he saw Ava sleeping next to him. For a while he didn't move and just enjoyed the moment, having her in his arm and hearing her slow and deep breaths.

While he stood in the kitchen and made pancakes, Spencer once again thought about how everything had changed in his life and how happy he was, although he still hated the fact of her working cases alone and being called away too often, yet everytime she was there, she stayed with him.

With a soft smile on his face he went over to the bedroom and woke Ava up, placing soft kisses on her shoulder. "Good morning, Baby."


"It is nine and I made you pancakes and coffee" Spencer whispered and saw Ava break into a smile.

"You are way to good for me" She said and sat up.

"And you are beautiful, Baby."


They had a slow late morning and spent it mostly tangled up between the sheets, still not getting enough of each other. Ava was still surprised about Spencers stamina and his desire for sex, as well as his confidence that slowly grew when it came to sex.

Lying on the couch Ava had fallen asleep, Spencer ordered food and woke her up an hour later. "Hey Snoop."

"I just fell asleep" Ava growled.

"An hour ago" he laughed.


"Food is on the way."

"Hungry" she mumbled and Spencer laughed out loud.

"Oh Ava, you are so... cute when you're half asleep."

She opened her eyes and looked at him, her eyes narrowed. "Did you... Did you just call me cute?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now