Is this paradise? (pt. 2)

156 11 3

TW: , mention of dead body, penetrative sex, oral sex (Spencer receiving), groping, slapping


June 28th - sunday
(Avas thoughts)

Avas alarm woke them up and she turned it off, placing a kiss on Spencers forehead before she sneaked over the hallway in her room, where she opened the balcony door and inhaled the fresh morning air, thinking about last night and how much Spencer had changed when it came to sex.

Sitting on a deck chair Ava remembered the last time she had been to Hawaii, she had been 19, Colin and her had just gotten engaged and spent the summer in his parents vacation home. Although she had been madly in love with him and they were young, they didn't have that amount of sex. 'Three times a week' she thought. Yes, and with Spencer she had sex three times a night.

Colin had never cared about her needs, it was rare that he had made her finish and he only knew one place for sex: bedroom. Ava laughed out loud with that memory and thought about her first one night stand, Kyle. She had met him in a bar and it was the first time she had slept with someone else than Colin. Kyle was tall and strong and had fucked her hard from behind, the first time a man had done that and she remembered the pleasure she had felt bented over the kitchen table in his apartment.

Ava took a deep breath and walked back inside. She maybe had slept with many men but no one had ever fucked and satisfied her the way Reid did. She laughed out loud again, Dr. Spencer Reid, the weird dude who wanted to disappear the day they had first met. She took a shower and let the warm water run over her naked body, thinking about her feelings for Spencer, strong feelings that only grew each day and she was sure, that he felt the same if not more.

As she stepped out of the shower she looked in the mirror and took a deep breath knowing she wasn't ready to show him that, not ready for his reaction which would be understading and loving.

Fuck, I think I'm really in love with him.


They all met at eight downstairs and drove to the police department, Ava wore shorts and a tanktop and Reid noticed the officers staring at her again without any signs of hiding it. As they reached the conference room, the Lieutanant walked it. "They just discovered another body."

Hotch nodded. "Alvez, Reid, Atlas, go" and the three walked off.

Ava drove the car, Reid sat on the passenger seat and Luke in the back. As they stopped at a traffic light, a car on the left honked and the driver waved at them until Ava opened the window. "You wanna go out with me tonight, pretty girl?" A young man smirked over.

"I'm sorry, Baby, I already have two men in the car and I fuck them both, so no need for another one" she winked at him, closed the window and drove off as the traffic light showed green.

"The hawaiian magic, huh?" Alvez said and laughed.

Nooo, the hawaiian magic was last night with Spencer.

Reid saw Ava roll her eyes and smile briefly. "How was it yesterday at the pool?" She asked.

"I don't remember everything but I think Morgan got a few numbers" Luke replied while Ava parked the car at the crime scene, a grocery store parking lot.

They stepped out and Ava instantly had a man on her side. "Hi, wow you are beautiful, are you free tonight?". She rolled her eyes and shoved her FBI ID in his face.


It bothered Spencer a lot, not because he was jealous, he knew Ava was loyal, more because of these men being respectless and getting too close and he couldn't do anything.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ