Like a normal couple

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TW: Penetrative sex, hard sex, fingering, mention of oral sex.


August 6th - wednesday

Spencer reached work at eleven and saw Ava talking with Alvez in the kitchen. He smiled and went over to get a coffee. "Good morning, Dr. Reid" Ava smiled at him.

"Good morning" Spencer said while pourring a coffee in a mug.

"That was a tough case, huh?" Luke asked and Spencer nodded slowly while sipping on his coffee.

"So how was your morning, Dr. Reid?" Ava smirked at him

"Well, okay, I had a... uhm... security company at home" Spencer explained and as Luke asked why his cheeks turned a little red. "I just... uhm... you know... I... uhm... want my girlfriend to feel safer."

He softly smiled and saw Avas eyes glow up a bit while she tried to hide her smile behind her mug.

"That's nice, man, you really like her, huh?" Luke asked.

Reid nervously bit his lip. "Yeah, I... uhm... I do."

Ava had trouble to not laugh and quickly took another sip from her coffee, feeling sorry for Spencer, who was caught in this situation.

Alvez smiled. "I'm happy for you, Spencer. I hope she knows what she got."

Reid blushed again and Ava smirked while looking at him. "I'm sure she does."

"Yeah... well... I... " Spencer stuttered and didn't know what to say.

Luckily Luke changed the topic. "Hey, uhm, Garcia and I want to go the greek restaurant after work, come join us and you can bring your girlfriend, and you as well, Ava."

Reid didn't know what to say he just frowned and thankfully Luke was called over by Hotch. Ava winked at him and walked off to her office while texting on her phone and a moment later his phone pinged.

You wanna go later?

He smiled and looked over to Ava who just disappeared in her office.

I don't know how
to explain that
Evelyn isn't there.

He texted back and Ava replied instantly.

Well, she is busy,
going out with colleagues;)

Spencer quietly laughed and walked over to his desk. Technically that wasn't a lie, but would it be wise to do that? Could they still hide it in a private atmosphere?

Okay, I'm in if you are


In the evening they all went to the restaurant, Ava sat down next to Spencer and pressed her leg against his under the table.
Morgan, Prentiss, Garcia and Alvez ordered drink after drink, while Spencer and Ava stuck to water.

"Come on, Ava, are you pregnant?" Luke smirked at her.

"No, I just don't drink. But keep going, Luke, and in an hour I will make videos of you dancing naked over the parking lot" Ava laughed.

The others were slowly getting a little drunk and Morgan suddenly smirked and raised his glass. "So, Spencer got a girlfriend, we should drink on him."

"And that means he is the only one taken from us." Luke added and they all laughed.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now