So new, so close

116 8 1

TW: penetrative sex, fingering

Awwwwww he has finally told her, thaaaaat took a while, but... I thought Ava wasn't ready before to show him what she was 'hiding beneath'. So yeah... another smutty chapter... but hey... he loves her!



November 20th - Sunday

Ava was outside on her way to the hotel as her phone rang at strike seven.

A: "Good Morning, John"
J: "Good morning Nikolaj, you are outside?"
A: "Yes"
J: "Why?"
A: "Gotta go to the headquarters."
J: "So early on a sunday?"
A: "Yes, there is a meeting"
J: "About what?"
A: "I'm not allowed to tell you."
J: "Ooooh, I hope it is not about catching me."
A: "No John, the world doesn't revolve around you, there are bigger issues to work on."
J: "You are pretty mean this morning, how come?"
A: "Just tired"
J: "Then you should sleep more"
A: "I will"
J: "So what is keeping you up at night?"
A: "Thoughts"
J: "Thoughts about what?"
A: "Killing you?"
J: "Oh that hurts"
A: "Yes, I know twenty ways to cut off your head, you wanna hear them?"
J: "Nikolaj you better calm down."
A: "I'm sorry, John."
J: "You better not try to catch me."
A: "Why not?"
J: "You would regret it."
A: "But if we would catch you, I wouldn't."
J: "But you will never be able to catch me. Thirty years Nikolaj, Thirty years."
A: "My Dad would have caught you."
J: "Alexej Atlas died."
A: "Oh I know that, I've been there. But if he wouldn't have died he would have caught you long ago."
J: "No he wouldn't have. Neither will you."
A: "I will John, one day I will and I will laugh in your face."
J: "You look so beautiful when you laugh"

Ava stopped walking and tensed. How did he know? Did he know? Or was he bluffing?

A: "Everybody is beautiful when they laugh"
J: "No. Some people aren't"
A: "If you say so"
J: "Yes, Nikolaj, I say so. Soooo... what is really keeping you up at night? I hope not a man?"
A: "I told you, just thoughts"
J: "Girls have thoughts about men"
A: "I don't"
J: "But everybody needs love"
A: "Is that so John? Is there someone who loves you? Does she know about me?"
J: "Who knows, Nikolaj, who knows?"

John had hang up and Ava waited in front of the hotel for Hotch whose voice suddenly tore her out of the thoughts. "Good Morning ,Ava. I'll be there in two minutes to pick you up."


Six hours later they walked in the garage together, not speaking, both exhausted and tired. They sat in the car in silence for a couple of minutes, both lost in thoughts about what had happend.

It had been rough, a lot of shouting, a lot of people blaming other people. Ava had gotten blamed for not answering her phone and for punching Rodriguez and Stevens. She had lost her temper as the director said she had taken too long for the shot, the entire SWAT team including Rodriguez had jumped in for her defense. Rodriguez had gotten blamed for waiting too long to call Ava, the entire team for not risking the shot. Rodriguez had explained that it had been an impossible shot and someone had done the math, the chance for a successful shot was 0.0003 percent and Ava had done exactly so. Hotch had been blamed for being there and as the question came up he had straight up lied and said that Ava had texted him from the bathroom.

And now she wanted to know why. "Why haven't you mention Dr. Reid calling you?" She asked and Hotch took a deep breath.

"As you have said, he shouldn't have been there. He... is a very gentle soul, Ava, he wouldn't have made it through today" Hotch sighed. "I know you guys talk about books and stuff, Reid... has a hard time letting people really in. Although it had changed recently his girlfriend is really good for him."

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