A death....

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TW: penetrative sex, hostage taking situation, death of an unsub, death of hostage, death of a minor.


November 17th - Thursday

The last two weeks had been a little rough, both had a lot of work and were exhausted. But they still had managed to have a lot of sex. Once in the morning and at least twice at night. Spencer had thought about the rabbit thing a lot, still nothing had happened and he didn't believe that it would. But he had enjoyed the two weeks of having Ava around, waking up next to her every morning and falling asleep with her head on his chest.

The birthday of Avas godson was the upcoming weekend and she would be gone from friday until sunday. She had told him that she would love to take him with her but she didn't know who else was around and he completely understood.

Reid was in the office kitchen with Alvez and Garcia talking about the loads of work they had to face lately as Ava walked in on the phone. "What do you mean he jumped off.... You paid him... oh Sara, no.... how?.... I know, Sweetie, but where do I find a magician now?... that's just one day left... I'll try my best... noooo... don't give up, I'll get one... yeah... love you more, bye" she hang up and pourred herself a coffee

"You need a magician? For what?" Garcia asked.

Ava turned around. "My godsons fifth birthday on friday."

Garcia grabbed Spencers arm and smiled brightly. "This little doctor here is a magician."

"Wait what?" Spencer opened his mouth.

"You're a magician, Dr. Reid?" Ava asked and smirked. "I didn't know that... you could do magic."

Spencer blushed even more. "No, not really, just..."

"You would save my ass" Ava interrupted him. "It's nothing big, just a few five years old kids whose attention span is no longer than fifteen minutes."

"Well, I.." he stuttered.

Luke pushed him a little. "Come on, Reid, can you say no to a beautiful lady?".

He nervously licked his lips. "Uhm.. on friday?"

"Yeah, but it would be like... a weekend trip, as their not living close" Ava had a soft smirk on his face.

Spencer slowly nodded. "Well... I..." he said and Garcia squeezed his hand. "Okay."

"Thank you Dr. Reid, you're really saving a birthday party. I'll text you the details later, okay?" She winked and walked off.

"You need to tell me later if she is the same person in private" Luke said to Reid.

"Oh yes, I can't imagine her as a loving godmother surrounded by kids" Garcia giggled.

And Reid sighed but was happy, now he would spend the weekend with her. He had just sat down at his desk as his phone pinged.

Thank you Baby, you really
are saving my ass. And you
will meet Sara and Nathan,
sadly just as my colleague.
But you will be there.
Still here.

He smiled and looked over at her office, this was going to be interessting.

November 18th - Friday

They had taken half the day off and were heading now to the party. It was a two hour drive and Ava apologized over and over again for not being able to introduce him as her boyfriend but Spencer reassured her that everything was fine and placed many kisses on her hand.

"Still here" - Spencer Reid - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now