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I knew that I probably shouldn't, but I was just tired of being alone. What could an hour hurt? It wasn't like we would be alone together. There would be other people there. 

But, I really didn't wanna be around all that hard stuff either. 

"Nah," I decided. "You know that's not really my scene. Thanks for the invite though." 

"Oh, come on, Cal! What else have you got to do? Judging by your clothes, it doesn't look like you have anything else planned. Pleease?" he begged, shooting this puppy dog look at me. 

I hated to say it, but it did warm my heart. Shit, I was hoping that his affect on me would finally be over. 

"No, Will. I know what goes on over there and it's not my scene," I replied, hardening my voice a little. "I don't want too. I do have plans, if you have to know. I'm hanging out with some friends. They're expecting me back by now, so I'll see you later."

"Some friends, huh?" he asked, walking closer to me, when I started to get in my car. "Anyone I know? Colby isn't back in town, is he? I never liked that little bitch boy."

I sighed and got in behind the wheel, leaving my door open. "No, he's not," I answered, ignoring his jab at Colby. "I'm hanging out with Denise and a few others. You probably don't know them. I gotta go though, so I'll see you." 

I tried again to close my door, but he stepped in front of it, stopping me. He leaned down, putting his face close to mine, his lips just a few inches from my own. 

"What are you doing?" I panicked, pressing back into my seat. My heart started to race, and not in a good way. "Geez, a jumpy little thing, aren't you?" he chuckled. "Nothing. I was just gonna give you a hug. Is that okay?"

I wanted to say no. I didn't want him to touch me, but what was the point in starting an argument? I really wasn't in the mood to fight with him, especially in a parking lot, where everyone could hear. 

"Suuure," I sighed, as I leaned into his arms. Memories of the past swam to the forefront of my mind, reminding me of the good times that we had. The way I used to crave his scent, or the feel of his strong arms around me. 

The the bad ones resurfaced, like they always did. The tone of his voice, when he was angry. Those strong arms grabbing onto my wrists, or slamming into the wall. 

I gently pulled away from him, pushing back against my seat. "Okay, I really do have to go," I murmured, praying he would just let me leave. I noticed Alex, standing in front of my car, smirking at us. 

"Okay, I guess I'll let you go," Will sighed, staring into my eyes. I looked away, out the other window. "I miss you, Callie. See you later." He stepped out of the way, so I shut my door quickly and started my car.

As fast as I could, without seeming like a crazy lunatic, I slammed my car into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. My breathing was already coming in short gasps, so I rolled my window down and turned my music up.

I wouldn't let Will do this to me. Not again. This panic attack would not take me. I forced myself to sing the lyrics inside my head, concentrating on the song that was playing, until my breathing relaxed into a normal rhythm again. 

The wind blew on my face, drying the tears that I hadn't realized were there. I was so sick of allowing him to break me down this way. He didn't even do anything this time. Nothing at all. But I still freaked out, for no reason. 

Why was I so fucking weak? Ugh, I hated myself for acting this way. It was stupid.

"Nope, stop thinking about it," I muttered to myself, as I grabbed a cigarette and lit it. "Just enjoy the ride." That's all I wanted. To actually enjoy a drive, at night, by myself. To relax into it and let the music take me. 

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