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When Denise and Colby left the room, I just stood there, awkwardly, looking around Katrina's room. It was really nice. More girly than what I usually went for, but it suited her well. I smiled at the neon pink sign that hung on her wall. It read "No Boys Allowed." 

"So, here's the other two dresses that I have. You can change right here, or in the bathroom, through that door, if it's more comfortable for you," she said, as she handed me a couple of hangers with dresses on them. 

They all looked way too small, at first glance. I didn't know what made me agree to this, but I was stuck now. God, please don't let me mess up her dresses. 

"Um, I'll take them to the bathroom. Thanks," I told her, sending her what I hoped was a grateful smile. "Okay, no problem. Feel free to use anything in there. Perfumes, makeup, I don't care," she said, as she pulled out her phone. 

I nodded, and made my way to the bathroom. Once the door clicked behind me, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. How in the hell was I going to make it through this whole 'saying yes' thing? When I already felt like I was going to break down at the prospect of me having to wear one of these dresses. 

They were beautiful, though. I hung them on the back of the door, then turned to look at myself in the mirror. Ew. My hair was frizzing out, making the fly aways create their own personal hair style. I tried to smooth them down, but they stood just as tall as they did before. 

Fuck it. Had to fix my hair anyway. I turned back to the dresses to look at them. I mean, I didn't have to try them all on. That black one was going to be way too tight. I could tell, just by looking at it. 

I heard a soft knock at the door, before Kat's voice floated through. "Hey Callie," she called out. "Yeah?" I asked, nervously. "Can I see the dresses, when you change into them? Maybe I could help you pick," she replied.

Damn it. There went my plan to not try them all on. I sighed again and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Kat," I said aloud. Guess the black one would be first. 

I stripped my clothes off, avoiding looking in the mirror, until I shimmied the dress up and over my boobs. The material was soft and stretchy, moving with every turn that I made. It felt comfortable and expensive. I slid the straps over my shoulders, then turned to face the mirror.

I looked like a fat cow. The material stretched across my chest, pushing my breasts up and out, like they were trying to greet the world. The amount of cleavage that was visible from the dip in between them, made me wonder why I didn't just go topless. There was no wiggle room and no way to hide my belly pooch. I grasped the dress and pulled it away from my stomach, just to let it go and watch it snap back into place. My thighs looked like two massive balloons, struggling to push past a barrier. 

It clung to me, in every place that it touched, till it stopped about mid-thigh. A little shorter than mid-thigh. There was no way that I was wearing this. It was too daring, too short, too revealing. I couldn't. I looked away from the mirror, hating what I saw. 

The dress was beautiful, but not on me. I still had to show Kat, though. 

I sighed and opened the door, stepping back into Katrina's room. I prayed with everything in me, that Denise and Colby were still in the laundry room. 

"Oh, girl, you are HOT!" Kat exclaimed. I felt myself blush, as I looked up. Thankfully, she was the only one in the room. "What's wrong?" she asked. 

I shrugged, feeling the material of the dress move over my breasts. "Thanks, but I don't think I can wear this. It's beautiful, but its just not my style. I'm sorry," I replied, softly. "Really?" she asked, walking around me to see the entire dress. "Girl, you are rocking this dress though. Like the curves are immaculate. Wow...but, let's see what the others look like, before you make your choice." 

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