51 Colby

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Thankfully, there was a cancellation on a redeye flight and I was able to snag a couple of tickets. "That seems almost too easy," Callie mused, running her teeth over her bottom lip. "Just a lucky coincidence," I replied, smiling at her. It was like she didn't know how to accept that sometimes, good things can happen. She always expected the worst.

I was going to do everything I could to make her see that wasn't true. 

"Lucky?" she snorted. "With my luck, we'll get on the plane and it'll come crashing down before we make it home." "Jesus Christ, Cal, don't say shit like that!" I groaned. "You'll manifest it or something." She giggled, but didn't say anything else. 

The flight was uneventful, even allowing Callie to catch a little nap before we landed. When I looked over to wake her, I smiled at what I saw. Her head was resting in her hand, her mouth slightly open, with her hair falling over into her face. I pulled my phone out and snapped a quick picture, before reaching over to run my finger down her cheek.

Her eyes snapped open, as she jerked her head up. "Whoa," I laughed. "You're okay. It's just time to get off the plane. We're here." She wiped her mouth, with her cheeks flaming up in her normal blush. "I can't believe I fell asleep," she whispered, as she watched people file out of their seats, towards the door. 

"You probably needed it," I replied, as I stood up and grabbed our bags from the carry on slots. I threw hers over my shoulder, put mine in one hand, then held my other hand out to her. "I can carry my own bag, Colby," she chided, rolling her eyes at me. "I know," I said, simply.

We finally made our way off the plane and to the car rental that I had waiting for us. "What do you want to do, since it's so late? You wanna go home or to the hotel?" I asked, as I buckled my seatbelt. She chewed her bottom lip again, looking at the time on the large screen attached to the dash. "It's 4:17 in the morning. I don't want to wake them up. Do we really need to rent a room for just a couple of hours though? Or are you staying at the hotel while you're here?" Her eyes left mine, going to her lap, where she was fidgeting with her rings. 

Gone was the girl that was beginning to act like she was my best friend again. The one who actually acted like we had been dating for years, instead of a day. She was reverting right back into the anxious mess that Will had turned her into. The one who questioned every word spoken, every decision made, and thought that it had something to do with her. That she had somehow done something wrong. 

"I plan on staying wherever you are," I said, softly, as I took her hand in mine, lacing my fingers through hers. "If that's okay with you, of course." She visibly relaxed, before she looked up and gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I know I'm a mess. I'm trying." I just shook my head. "Don't apologize, Callie," I reminded her. She rolled her eyes again, and started tapping her fingers on top of my hand, nervously. 

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Nothing," she responded, reflexively. "Cal," I persuaded. "Tell me." She sighed heavily and leaned her head back on the seat. "It's stupid, but I don't know if I want you staying at my house," she murmured, keeping her eyes averted from mine. I ignored the flash of pain that went through my chest, and the uncertainty that tried to fill my head. "Why?" I asked, starting to feel nervous, myself. 

"Because, Colby. You live in this amazing, huge house, with all of it's modern amenities. It's new and clean. You have a fucking pool, with a fire pit, and two damn living rooms! My house is falling apart, literally. I try to keep it clean, but I'm basically the only one trying to do that. It's so old, the dust just seemed to double each day. There's cat food in weird places, and litter on the bathroom floor. My own room is so junked up, because I have to keep anything that I don't want others losing or wasting, piled in there. My laundry basket is overflowing because I didn't have time to wash clothes. Ben can't keep his room clean, to save his life. Mom has those damn dogs, and a fucking toilet beside her bed. It's just not...we're on different levels, you and I." 

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