10 Colby's POV

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"UUGGGHH," I groaned, as I fell back onto my bed. We were finally moved into our new home in Las Vegas.

It had been a stressful week, with all the movers going in and out, us having to make the trip back and forth between here and LA, the business meetings, the photo shoots that we couldn't put off...there had just been so much. 

I really had no clue how I wasn't an overwhelmed mess at this point. I needed a fucking break.

As soon as I had gotten home, I changed into my cutoff and sweats, because I knew that my hibernation period was about to happen. It was time for me disappear for few days. No posting on social media, no going out, no nothing. 

Just lying in bed, listening to music, scrolling my phone, and watching YouTube or something. 

I was exhausted, mentally and physically, but since I wasn't actually sleepy, I pulled out my phone and held it up over my face to scroll through it. 

Instead of going to any of my usual social media apps, I went to my camera roll to see if there was something that I could post, to hold everyone over until I decided to come back to the world of the living. 

There were tons of selfies that I wasn't crazy about, a few unreleased photo shoots with Sam, a few from the party that Brennen threw for us, and some other random ones. 

I sighed and kept scrolling. There had to be something.

I didn't realize that I had scrolled so far back, until I came across a picture of Callie. It was from the night that we had went out together, two years ago. She was dressed in that sheer, black shirt that almost felt like nothing against her skin, with her makeup darker than usual. 

She looked amazing. Hot. 

I saved it, as soon as I saw she posted it on Instagram. Later, she told me that Denise had posted it, even though she begged her not too. I would have to thank Denise for that one day. 

The longer I stared at the photo, the more I realized I missed Callie. I felt like I hadn't spoken to her in forever. 

I forgot about posting something, and instead, Facetimed her. I wanted to see her and hear her soft voice. 

"Hey!" she answered. Her hair was a little windswept, her face clean of makeup, and her gorgeous hazel eyes shining. 

"Hey beautiful," I replied, grinning at her, slowly. Her eyes unfocused for a second, like she forgot what was going on.

"H-hey," she stuttered out. I watched her cheeks pinken, ever so slightly. "How've you been?"

Instead of answering her question, I let the short laugh that I was holding escape my mouth, and shook my head. I loved making her blush. It was just so easy.

"What?" she asked, confusion filling her face. 

"Nothing, really," I answered. "I just love how one little word can still make you blush." I smirked, unable to stop myself. She could make a guy get a big head.

She kind of puckered her lips, like she wanted to say something, but then shook her head slightly. 

"Oh...well, I get embarrassed easily. You know that," she murmured, staring into my eyes. Jesus, I almost forgot how to breathe, with how intensely she was looking at me. 

I missed her so damn much. I shouldn't have let two years pass without seeing her, but since we "broke up" I wasn't really sure that I be around her, without acting like her boyfriend.

She was constantly on my mind though. That would probably never change.

"Yeah, I know," I replied. "I like making you blush though." I heard my voice deepen and I knew why. The blush on her cheeks was growing brighter, making my stomach feel that familiar clench. 

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