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I felt amazing. Like nothing could bring me down. I had missed being able to get high and actually enjoy it. I was scared to do it this time, but Colby had promised that it would be okay, and I trusted him. So far, he was right. I didn't even know how long I had been sitting here, just staring at my hands. 

Oh my God, I was so high. So incredibly stoned. I giggled to myself and looked up to see if Denise felt the same way I did. Only she wasn't there. I looked around the room, to see if maybe she had moved to sit somewhere else, but nope. Still not there. Where the hell was she? 

I glanced over towards Colby to find him watching me. He was always watching me. Sometimes, it made me anxious. Why was he always looking at me? I was already so worried about looking like a fool, most of the time. Knowing that he was always watching me, made it even worse. One day, he was going to see me fall flat on my face, with all the jiggling body parts with it.

One day, maybe, but I didn't really care at the moment. "Where's Denise?" I asked, letting my eyes drop to his lips, when I saw movement. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip, before he pressed his teeth down into it, lightly. My God. My entire body started buzzing. That damned electricity was back. 

"She went to bed, Cal. She left like ten minutes ago. She told you us goodnight and everything. Where have you been, inside that head of yours?" he chuckled. That's when I realized that my hair was pretty much still soaking wet, and his warm skin was brushing against my shoulders and my back. His arm was thrown behind my neck. Why hadn't I noticed that before now?

"She went to bed?" I repeated, still trying to catch up to the conversation and what was going on around me. It was hard to concentrate on anything, right then, and those damn blue eyes looking at me, did NOT help! "Yes, Callie," he sighed, with humor in his tone. "She went to bed. Are you feeling okay? How's your anxiety?" "My anxiety?" I asked, sounding like a stupid parrot, mocking everything he said. 

He smiled at me, his full lips turning up at the corners, until the apples of his cheeks pushed up and out, and a dimple formed. I wanted to reach over and touch him, just to see if he was actually real and all of this wasn't a dream. I kinda felt like I was in a dream. 

"You're so fucked up," he laughed. "Am not," I responded, like it was reflex. I was incredibly fucked up. "Yeah, sure you're not," he said, still laughing a little. "I might be," I giggled, as I watched his eyes twinkle in the light of his bedroom. Oh. Wait. I was in his bedroom. Why was I in his bedroom?

Riiight. I had gotten attacked by some stupid asshole and he had saved me. Again. No matter what, it seemed like he was always there. Even when I pushed him away and ignored him, he still kept trying to be there for me. For years, before he finally gave up trying. But now, here he was again. Saving me. Keeping me safe. I always felt safe with him. 

"You definitely are," he replied, smiling at me. God, that smile still had the ability to take me to my knees. I vaguely wondered how many girls felt the same way that I did about it. I felt weird thinking about him this way, but ever since we had kissed years ago, the line of our relationship had been blurred. No matter how much I kept trying to convince myself that he was just a friend, my body reacted to him in a way that was definitely more than friendly. 

"Well, that was the goal," I giggled, tossing my hair, like an idiot. "Ouch," I said, as a sharp pain hit my neck, with the movement. "What's wrong?" he asked, moving away from me. I shivered, as the cold air hit my side, where he had just been pressed against me. "My neck. It's a little sore," I sighed. "It doesn't matter. Don't wanna think about it. So, what's up? What can we do to pass some time? If I just sit here, I will fall asleep, and I don't wanna waste this high."

His eyes had flashed, when I mentioned my neck being sore. I knew he had some anger inside of him. We all do, but I didn't realize how much anger he had inside of him. The only other times I had seen him almost that angry, was when it concerned Will. I wondered if it was only because someone was hurting me. 

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