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"This is not me. I don't know this girl," I breathed out. Denise lay her head on my shoulder and met my eyes in the mirror. "It's all you, babe. Now, let's go show Colby. He's gonna need to wear a bib, with all the drooling he's gonna be doing," she laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned away from the mirror. "Colby is just a friend. Stop it," I insisted, already feeling the nerves returning, just thinking about him seeing me this way. "Girl," she said, pointedly. "Any one who looks at a girl the way he looks at you, is definitely not just a friend. Not to mention the way you look at him. You two are insufferable."

I just glared at her, narrowing my eyes. "Fine," she laughed, holding her hands up. "I'll shut up. But, I still think you should THINK about letting things naturally happen the next few days. Say yes and all that." I groaned and closed my eyes. I was really starting to regret telling them that. "I think I might hate you a little bit," I muttered. "And I need a cigarette. Do you realize that it's been hours since we've had one?"

"Please," she laughed. "You couldn't hate me, even if you wanted too. We can smoke before we go. Now, get that sexy little ass out there and show your man!" She swatted my ass, when I opened the bathroom door, slightly pushing me through it. "He's not my man," I hissed, before I saw Colby standing a few feet away, watching me.

How long had he been there? Could you hear through these walls? Probably not, right? Because they were rich and this was a nice house. Shit. I pasted a nervous smile on my face and stepped over to him.

"Hi," I said, shyly, looking up at him. We were almost the same height, since I had these damn shoes on. I was 100 percent positive that I was going to fall on my face, before the night was over. Especially if I chose to drink. Which I might.

He held my gaze, as one side of his lips curved up slightly. "Hi," he murmured. "You look amazing." I blushed again. Could I stop doing that? At least the makeup would cover most of it. Hopefully. "Yeah, who knew Denise was so good at doing makeup?" I joked. He tilted his head, looking me over, from head to toe. I felt naked under his probing gaze.

"You always look amazing, Cal. It's just nice to see you all dressed up. You never do this," he said, in a low voice. "You don't look too bad yourself," I replied, smiling nervously. I was trying to make this feel not as serious as it did to me. He cracked a big grin. "Yeah, but I do this all the time. I'm a fashionista, baby," he joked, spinning around on his heel.

I laughed, as Denise walked over to us, finally coming out of the bathroom. "Okay. My work is finished. Are we ready to go now?" she asked, grinning broadly at me. "Yeah, I called an Uber, while you girls were in the bathroom," Colby said, still looking at me. "I thought that there might be drinking, since this is a dance, and honestly, I didn't want to be the DD."

Denise laughed, throwing her head back. "There will most definitely be drinking, but we are supposed to 'act professional.' If we're supposed to act professional, then they shouldn't supply alcohol," she said, with a shrug. "Of course, I actually have to act professional, so I won't be drinking much, but an Uber is good thinking." 

Colby nodded and held his arm out, showing us ahead of him. "Your ride should be here in about 10 minutes, Madams. Right this way." "Such a dork," I giggled, as we walked past him, towards the front entranceway. "Wait," Denise sighed, turning back. "I forgot my purse. I'll be right back." "Will you grab mine too, out of my bag?" I asked, as she started walking away. "Yup, gotchu," she called back.

"Meet us outside," Colby yelled, smiling when he heard her "YEE" come back to him. "She's something else," he laughed, as he grabbed a leather jacket that was hanging on the wall, and opened the door for me. "Yeah, she is," I replied, softly. 

The Final ChoiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora