28 Colby's POV

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"I think I'm okay," she said, looking surprised. "How did you know to do that?" I smirked and leaned down, close to her ear. "Because, Cal," I breathed out. "I told you. I get anxiety too. I know what it looks like." She shivered a little, so I leaned away. 

"Oh," she said, quietly, as she started to fidget with her rings. "Are you okay now?" I asked. I had seen the signs of a panic attack, as we moved through the crowd. She was keeping up with Denise, at first, but then she began to slow down. I saw her body start to heave with short, sharp breaths. I immediately knew that she was about to have a panic attack, so I had to get her out of the throng of people, fast. 

She took a deep breath, then looked up to meet my eyes. Those hazel/blue/green eyes of hers sparkled a little in the dim lighting, like she had been fighting tears. "I'm okay," she replied, softly. "Thank you, Colby. That would've been so embarrassing." I grinned, pulled her close to me, and wrapped my arm around her waist again, so that she was nestled against my side. "I told you, Cal. I got you. Now, let's go find Denise and our seats."

We made our way through the crowd of people, with me shielding her the best that I could. I kept looking down at her, to make sure that she was still okay. She looked fine though. Better than fine, actually. She had a small smile on her face, looking around, as I led her to our table. That small thing made me so happy.

Denise had carried our glasses over, so they were already sitting on the table. I pulled out Callie's chair for her, smiling a little, when her face flushed ever so slightly. "Thanks," she replied, as she picked up her drink. 

I had a feeling tonight was going to get very interesting. I knew that Callie didn't drink much. I also knew that she got brave, when she did. She would do and say things that she normally wouldn't. It was like all her inhibitions completely left, leaving her in a constant state of action, with no thinking beforehand. 

I loved Callie the way she was, but drunk Callie was fun, I had to admit. She wasn't as reserved, or cautious. She didn't think about what other people might think of her, if she accidently did or said the wrong thing. I enjoyed her being that way sometimes, because she hardly ever let loose. She always had this air of cautiousness around her. Like she was just waiting for the shit to hit the fan. Always taking in her surroundings, always with just a little bit of fear in her eyes. 

Of course, she had to be really drunk for it to leave completely.

I sipped my own drink, as I watched her take in her surroundings. That cautiousness still very apparent in her eyes. Denise tapped her arm and said something, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Since I didn't want to seem like I was trying to eavesdrop, I pulled out my phone. 

Sam had texted to tell me that he and Kat were going to hang out at one of her friend's homes for a while and didn't know when they would be home. I sent him a quick text, just to let him know that I got the message. That meant that they probably wouldn't be home until the early morning hours. 

Which meant that there would be an empty house, except for me and Callie, if she chose to stay with me. And Denise. Almost forgot about her, somehow. 

"No, I didn't, Denise! I forgot!" Callie exclaimed, claiming my attention. "How could you forget something like that?" Denise hissed, sounding angry. Were they arguing again? They had been doing that a lot today. "Do it now, Callie. Don't even answer him! Just fucking block him," she spat out. 

They were talking about Will again. That much I knew. He must've texted her again, meaning she didn't block him. I was beginning to think that he was always going to have some kind of hold on her, but I didn't know why! The guy was a piece of shit, who had done nothing but hurt her. Physically and mentally. I found myself getting angry again, thinking about everything she had been through with him. 

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