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I so wasn't in the mood for this bullshit. Why couldn't we have, at least, had a fucking day before running into Will. I should've known better though. He's always at this damn store. Especially on the weekends. 

"Just go away," I sighed, pulling away from Colby. I brushed by Will, ignoring his glare, and slid into the car. "Why are you being such a bitch?" he snarled, grabbing my arm. I froze and met his hateful, stony eyes. Those eyes use to be filled with warmth and love when they looked at me. Not all the time, I reminded myself. Because, that hateful stony glare was very familiar, as well as the bruising grip on my arm. It made my stomach feel like it was twisting in on itself. 

"Get your fucking hands off of her," Colby demanded, his voice as hard as steel. I already knew what was about to happen, before he even took a step. I jumped out of the car, snatching my arm away from Will, smacking right into Colby's chest, just before he was about to reach Will. His hands were balled into fists, his jaw clenched so hard, I was surprised he didn't crack his teeth. 

"Stop," I murmured, placing my hands on his cheeks. "Not right now." His body was tense against mine, straining, like if Will made one small mis-step, and Colby was going to snap. "Babe, look at me," I tried again, to get his attention off of Will. His icy blue gaze flicked to mine, full of so much anger, I almost stepped back.

But this was Colby. Not Will. Not someone that would hurt me. This was my best friend, my lover, and possibly my soulmate. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me. So, I made myself stand still, not backing down from the anger that was radiating off of him. 

"I'm okay. Let's just go," I begged him. I didn't need him going to jail for assaulting Will, and that's what was about to happen. Will had too many friends here, too many people willing to lie for him. I didn't think Colby was going to listen to me, at first. Anxiety threatened to claw it's way up my throat, but I did my best to shove it down, as I held his hard gaze. 

"Please, Colby," I whispered. "Yeah, you better go," Will laughed out. "Wouldn't wanna get that pretty face fucked up, would ya? Better run along now." Annoyance and unbridled anger reared up in me at his taunting tone. 

"Shut the FUCK up!" I screamed, whirling around to face my tormentor. "I'm not trying to get him to leave, because of what YOU might do! I'm trying to get to him to leave because of what HE WILL do! Fucking stupid prick. GOD!" 

Will's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he was momentarily shocked into silence. Then, I felt Colby's hands on my waist, almost shoving me into the car and slamming the door. I started to open it and get back out, but I noticed that he was walking around to his side of the car. Apparently, my screaming at Will had brought him back to his senses, too. 

Will didn't recover enough to say anything, until we were backing out of the parking space. He started yelling obscenities that I could barely hear. Colby turned the music up, blocking them out entirely and revved the engine a few times, before peeling out of the convenience store parking lot.

We were silent for a few miles, both lost in our own thoughts, I guess. I didn't even know where we were going. I didn't know what to say, though. I felt like Colby was mad at me, but I didn't want to voice it. I knew that I should, because I didn't want him thinking that I was protecting Will. That's not what I had been doing. I just didn't want Colby to get into trouble. 

The only thing I did know, was that I wanted a cigarette worse than I had all day. Usually, I would've just asked him to pull over for a few minutes, so that I could smoke one. I didn't want to do anything else to upset him, though.

I sighed, my chest feeling heavy, as I felt the familiar feeling of shutting down. Ignore it, until it goes away. That was my trauma response. That's what I had been conditioned into doing in a relationship. This thing with Colby was still brand new and I didn't know how to do it. I didn't know how to be a good girlfriend. 

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