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Colby laughed, gently, then slid one of his hands away from body, to take my hand. "I love you too, dork," he whispered. I knew that he loved me, as a friend, but hearing him say it, in my inebriated state, sent shivers throughout my body. 

"Are you cold?" he asked, noticing the shivers. I shook my head, slowly. "No. Just got the chills for a second." I knew that my face was starting to flame up. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, but if he noticed, he didn't say anything.

We left his room and made our way down the stairs, and into the kitchen. If anyone, who didn't know us, had seen us, they would've definitely thought we were a couple. The easy way that we were holding hands, like it was the most natural thing in the world, warmed my heart. 

It wasn't like a romantic thing. It was friendship, pure and sweet. I would always have him and he would always have me. No matter what happened. Of that, I was sure. For now, at least. My mind did like to trick me, sometimes. 

"Sit here," he said, pointing me towards a bar stool next to the kitchen island. I put my foot on the bottom rung and pushed myself onto the seat. "Yes sir," I joked, grinning at him. My grin froze on my face, from the look in his eyes. 

It was intoxicating to look at him. His mouth opened, as he let his tongue run over his bottom lip, then pressed down on it with his teeth. I let my eyes follow the same path, until he let his lip slowly fall away. I looked up to meet his eyes again, only to find the clear blue, darkening into a stormy gray. 

It only lasted a second, before he turned away and walked a few steps to the refrigerator. Did I imagine the whole thing? Maybe I should stay away from this weed. I took the time to look around the room, realizing that it took my eyes a second to catch up with their movement. 

Like, I could look towards Colby, but it took a minute before my eyes could focus in on him. It was strange, but not unfamiliar. I had missed being able to feel this way, simply because it made me feel so stress free. Rationally, I knew that all of my problems and responsibilities were still there, but in that moment, I just didn't care.

I had my phone, so if anyone needed anything, they knew how to get in touch with me. Wait...where was my phone?

"Colby?" I said, looking over to where he was standing. He was in front of the counter now, digging through the cabinets above his head. "Hmm?" he hummed, without turning around. "Do you know where my phone is?" I asked, hesitantly. 

The last time I had my phone, it was because Will had texted me. I really didn't want to get into that. He turned to look at me, slowly spinning on his heel. "Yeah. I still have it," he replied. His hand went to his ear, where he started to spin his helix piercing. That was a nervous habit of his. 

"What did you do?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "Nothing," he replied, a little too quickly. "Really?" I asked. "Because, you're acting like someone who is guilty of something. What did you do with my phone? Where is it?" I held my hand out, moving my fingers to indicate for him to give it to me. 

He hesitated for a moment, then reached into his back pocket and pulled it out. He crossed the few steps to me, and lay it in my outstretched hand. I eyed him, skeptically. "Are you really going to make me search to find what you did, or are you going to tell me? I'm too high for this, Colby," I sighed. 

"We're having such a good time, Cal. You really wanna ruin it?" he asked, placing his hand on the island next to my arm. "Actually, I think that I feel so 'I don't care' about everything right now, so it would be a good time for you to admit whatever it is you did," I laughed. 

The realization of how true that was, only made me laugh again. I really didn't care. Whatever it was, probably had something to do with Will, and he deserved it. 

The Final ChoiceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon