Summer Vacation

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June 21, 20XX 

Do you know what the worse thing that happened to me today is? My parents decided to move from one place to another again, so I must leave my friends.

This happened every time my dad got a promotion. I think that's also why my brother stayed in England for good. He got tired of moving residences.

Now, I'm done packing my things and ready to go, but I don't want to go. I hold onto the nearest fence I can grasp, so my father can't carry me and bring me inside the car.

"Becca, stop being a nuisance! We're going to be late!" That's what he says, but I keep on holding on firmly. I don't want to go. They can leave me here if they want to. I don't want to leave my friends.

"Becca, let go. You need to come with us." Mom tries to convince me, but no. I won't let go.

"Becca!" My father shouts, so I let go of the fence and walked inside the car.

That's it. That's my cue. If my dad gets mad, he won't give me an allowance, or worse thing I will be grounded. That's hellish, so no.

During the ride, I'm busy looking at the establishments and ignoring them. They ask me a few questions like, "are you hungry?", "Where do you want to eat?" and "are you bored?"

Of course, I am. But I didn't say that out loud. I'm still afraid of my parents. Though I'm already 21 years old and soon to graduate from college.

"We're here!" Mom shouts as she unbuckles her seatbelt.

This is the most boring place I've seen in my entire life. There are no establishments nearby, and trees surround the whole square meter. It looks like I'm in the middle of the forest.

My parents take our luggage and walk, so I follow them. I don't know this place, and I'm afraid that lions will come out and eat me.

I can't die yet. I still haven't got a boyfriend.

"Keep up, Becca."

"Yeah, yeah." I make faces and sprint to keep up with their pace.

After our 10-minute walk, we finally found the town. What is the city doing in the middle of nowhere?

There are big houses, few establishments and many people walking around. This is not a city. This is a paradise. The blue lake is crystal clear as if no one dared to throw trash. There is no garbages everywhere, and people are organized.

"Welcome to Phiman! You will love it here, Becca." Mom pulls me, and we pass other people.

Some people greet my parents and smile at them. I don't know how they have met each other before, but I'm sure that this isn't the first time.

We enter the largest mansion in the area, and father shows me my room as he puts all my luggage inside.

"Take a rest, then later; I will introduce you to my colleagues."

I fake a smile and nod at him. I don't have a choice. Don't I?

The time check is 6:36 in the afternoon, and we're here at my father's colleague's. He's around 50, but he looks as handsome as ever.

Wait, I haven't met him. So, erase.

His wife is also gorgeous, and I bet if they had a son, he would be a charismatic one. I can't wait to meet him.

"This is my daughter, Becca. She's 21 but still acts like a child. Her brother spoils her too much."

I squint at my father's way of introducing me. What if their son hears it? That would be a terrible impression.

"It's fine. My daughter Freen is also like that when she's around her age. Now, she's 25, and she wants to manage the winery. I can't believe she grew up fast." My father's friend shakes his head in disappointment. Not a bad disappointment, but there's no good, right? Whatever.

"Do you have a son?"

My mom almost gets choked at my question. What's wrong with that? I'm just inquiring.

"Ah, no." He laughs. "Freen is our only daughter. She's always busy, that's why she's not here. Tomorrow, you'll meet her if you visit the vineyard with your father." He turns to my dad, and he nods.

Well, I'm not going. If Freen is a workaholic, she'll just see me as a nuisance. So, no. I won't meet her.

One Summer With You || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now