001 // One night out

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"Come on Catalina" My bestfriend Julia said as I was still in my room.

"Can't you wait a damn second?" I yelled back angrily. I hate stress. I can't stress, even if I wanted to, it's not possible. The last 4 years of my life I mever ever had stress. I am pretty proud of it. You're for sure asking yourself, where is Catalina going? Me and Julia are currently heading to a part. My boyfriend will also be there of course. We can't miss a party which is at our friends house right?

Anyways, I promised myself not to drink too much. I hope my dear boyfriend will also keep himself away from too much alcohol, since he has an important game in 2 days. Europa league decides if we're the ultimate team or not. Not too much to worry about in the moment.

Not until the players from the opposit team arrive. I am afraid that there will be some fighting. Although I would literally live for the drama. Some people say that Drama is the only thing that matters. I am one of those people. Quiet literally.

If my live would get too boring I would kinda just, make it enjoyable? With enjoyable I mean start drama of course. For what are we living anyway? To work all day and then die? No. Marry rich men. That's what we live for. Women atleast.

Of course I am not using any rich boyfriends of mine. I love my boyfriend really. But sometimes he just gets a little bit too much. Like the times where I am literally not allowed to speak wiyh any other boys than him. That is one of those moments.

"Can you come out now? We have to go. Mr Perfect is also waiting" Julia knocked on my door and I just went trough my hair again with my hairbrush before opening the door.

"Chill, jesus. You guys can't wait right?" I walked out of my room. Walking past Julia and Ale.

"Hello to you too" Ale said as I walked past him to get my coat.

"Garnacho, if you keep being so early I am gonna kill you. Just come on time. That's more enough" I turned around to face him.

"Yeah sorry. Also I love your blonde hair. I am so happy that you decided to drop black." He went trough my hair with his right hand.

"Thank you, can we go now?" I turned to Julia and she nodded.

"Yeah, come on Mr Perfect" Julia pulled Ale to the door. I was wearing a tight dark red dress with some black heels. I had my black jacket and my phone with me.

I don't really need much more.

"Okay, come on" Ale said and we walked out to his car. He driver over to the party.

Mark said it isn't really going to be a party. Just a little bit if alcohol with some talking.

"Hello" Mark opened the door as we rang the bell. He wore a big smile on his face as he saw us.

"Hey" I smiled and went ahead to hug him. He hugged me back and as we walked into the house I got an angry look from Ale.

"I told you already" He whispered aggressively.

"Leave me alone Garnacho" I whispered back and I saw him get angry.

We drank a little. Ale however drank more than me and that lead me to driving.

"Why do you dress like that?" He asked me as I just drove out of Marks driveway.

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at him quickly. I don't think it was a good idea for Julia to go home earlier. Cause now I gotta handle Ale all on my own.

"You look like a slut" He gave in after some minutes. "Fucking bitch" I whispered under my breath.

"I only love Brazilians" He mumbled. "And you're Argentinian" He chuckled softly.

"And you're who?" I asked as I saw him shaking his head. He scoffed as I drove into our driveway.

"Without me you would be nothing" He laughed as he stepped out of the car.

"Sober up first" I said as I looked at him. I unlocked the door and let him inside.

"I can't do this anymore" I whispered as I locked the door behind him, which lead me to get back into the car and drive into a hotel.

"Hi, I would like to check in." i walked into the lobby just as I saw some men walk into the hotel.

"Yeah, sure are you alone?" The woman asked. I nodded. "Would you like a suite and for how many nights?"

"Yes and for 4" I answered and looked around. I saw the men enter the hotel and stand together in a group. A little bit older man walked up to the table and stood next to me.

"You're with the Barça team, I assume" The lady looked up to the man standing next to me.

"That's right, Xavi Hernandez." He added and smiled a little. I looked back at the players and a small smile came over my lips as I realised who these people were. They play against United in 2 days.

As I looked at all the players but one was already looking at me. A player with black hair and brown eyes. I looked back to the lady and she already looked at me.

"Could I please have your Name, address and phone number?" She said and showed a finger to Xavi, signaling hin ti wait a second.

"Catalina Alvarez, Hangers street 8 and +23 458 86 32" I simply answered and she nodded.

"You're Garnachos girlfriend" She pointed at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah" I answered embarrassed and looked at Xavis reaction. He was just smiling and looking at me.

"You for sure will be there for the match right?" He asked and I nodded in response. "Why aren't you staying with him anyway?"

"Some things change you know." I said and he nodded.

"I heard some rumours about him treating you like shit"

"Those are not exactly false"

"Ohh, then I wish you the best and go to sleep." He patted me on my shoulder and I nodded. As the lady gave me my keys I looked back at the players one more time before walking up the stairs.

The one with the brown hair was still looking, no, starring at me. I gave him a light smile before I disappeared out of his sight.

I walked to my room and opened the door. I walked inside and sat down on the bed. There was some food and some drinks and everything you get in a hotel.

I felt my phone buzzing and looked at the screen as I rolled my eyes. "Missed call by Ale."

ONE KISS LESS // PEDRI GONZÁLEZ Where stories live. Discover now