009 // Qatar

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20th of November 2022

"You're joking" My brother said as I showed him my jersey collection.

"Why would I?"

"Messi, Lautaro, Rodrigo, Gavi and me?" He questioned and I nodded proudly. "You're also supporting spain?"

"Yes, I used to live there, also Barcelona is my favourite club" I answered his question.

"Hey!" He said loudly and I smiled.

"What about Manchester city AND united, since you're dating that prickface Grilled nachos with barbecue sauce" He said and I burst out laughing.

"Don't be mean, I like him" I smiled as I looked at my jerseys.

"Why Gavi? Why not Asensio or whatever his name is?" He asked and I turned around giving him a deathstare.

"Okay okay" He chuckled as he threw his hands up in the air.

"I like Gavi, he is pretty" I said and my brothers jaw dropped.

"Am I supposed to tell that Garnacho?" He wiggled his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Don't you dare, I just think he's pretty, nothing else" I answered honestly and shrugged my shoulders.

"He is 18 too isnt he?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about him anymore. A question, we're gonna watch the match right?" I sat donw next to him on the bed.

"The Qatar one, yeah of course. We're gonna watch it with the Argentinian team. You're also allowed to be there, I asked Scaloni" He explained and a smile creeked up on my cheeks.

"Wonderfull, I'm so excited to see everyone again" I clapped my hands.

"What do you think of Pedri? He's supposed to be a future goat. He has freat potential tho"

"Like a very wise friend of mine once said: older is hotter and younger is cuter"

"Who was it?" He asked. "Let me guess, it was Ana right?"

"How did you know?" I smiled. Ana has been a great friend of mine, I've know her for about 3 months but it feels like we've known eachother for 3 years.

"Ana is the only type of person to ever say this" Julian mumbled and I shrugged my shoulders.

"The wise part was true tho"

"Anyways, I have a team meeting now, I'll meet you in the lobby at a quarter past 7." He stood up and made his way to my door.

"Who the fuck talks like that, the english have took him over" I talked to myself. I was loosing my mind with his english.

"a quarter past 7 and I'll drink my daily tea with Lizzy" I mocked him and suddenly I heard someone.

"Are you mocking the english?" Ale asked with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Definitely not" I smiled as I moved away Gavis jersey as I turned around. Luckily he didnt notice, or else there was gonna be a huge fight. I threw it down on the floor and then under the bed with my feet.

"Ohh, are these the jerseys?" He asked as he walked over to my bed. Looking at the Messi one specifically.

"I love Messi" I mentioned and he looked up at me with a smile. Since he was leaning over the bed to take a better look.

"Me too, he isn't like any other person who plays football, he is like a god" Ale said and patted the shirt.

"I don't understand why this is even a debate"

ONE KISS LESS // PEDRI GONZÁLEZ Where stories live. Discover now