016 // tomatoes

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"I'M HOME" Pedri yelled as I heard the door open.

"PEDRI YOU DICK" Gavi yelled as Pedri walked up the stairs.

"Hi" I walked over to Pedri and kissed him on the cheek. He started blushing and smiled.

"What was that for?" He was still smiling, his cheeks slightly red.

"I don't know, nothing. Why don't you like it?" I teased him.

"Ohhhh, you wanna get there?" He held  eye contact with me as he tilted his head downwards.

"Could you stop eye-fucking eachother? We know you noth have a crush on eachother but are just too dumb to tell the other, we get it" Gavi walked up to us. I shook my head in embarrassment.

"Stop it Gavi. Also Pedri can I borrow your car?" I looked at him.

"Uhm, for what?" He asked, his cheeks even more red then before.

"I need to meet up with Ale"

"I'll drive you" He almost jumped down the stairs.

"And alone I am again" Gavi scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I'll spend time with you when I get home." I yelled back as me and Pedri walked down the stairs.

"Sure" answered Gavi, I somehow felt bad for him, but he is probably just being overdramatic.

"I feel bad for him" I looked at Pedri as we sat into his car.

"Don't, also where do I need to drive you?" He started the car and I looked at him driving, why is driving so attractive? Like the way he moves his-

"Hello?" He asked.

"Yes, uhm, I'll type it into the GPS." I leaned forward to type it into the cars GPS.

"Okay," Pedri looked at the address he needs to go to. "This is the hotel he's staying at?"

"I think so"

"Well okay"

The rest of the drive was quiet. It was a bit of uncomfortable silence but as he turned on the radio it wasn't anymore.

As we arrived at the hotel Pedri turned to look at me. I looked at him quickly and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll wait for you here"

"You don't have to-"

"I want to, now go" He leaned over me and opened the car door.

"Oh, my" I mumbled so he didn't hear it and he sat back up.

"Go, I'll wait for you" He said and I stood up. I slammed the car door shut and I saw him shake his head.

"Ah hey" Ale walked up to me and we were standing on the sidewalk so that Pedri could see us perfectly.

"Hi" I said and he went into a hug which I didn't expect and also didn't accept.

"So, Did you make your decision?"

"I did, and I am sorry but I just don't think that this whole thing is gonna work, again. It was a really nice time with you but being with you was just, The way it messed up my head was almost unbelievable. I really couldn't think straight. Thats why I think its better for is both to go separate ways. I am really sorry, and I'll never forget you"

"Cate, just think this trough, do you really wanna just throw this away? This one year, the many things we have done with eachother? The things we've experienced together?"

ONE KISS LESS // PEDRI GONZÁLEZ Where stories live. Discover now