The Night Knows The Truth

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An embrace of russets, a shelter of extended limbs, resting beneath foliage hues, the forest is a protective mother, the promise of the holy sanctuary. The deciduous forest has a way of helping me to decide my direction in life, in how I can make my words and deeds. The easel of my emotions, as such there is a part of me that realizes the moon, the trees, and the water, speak to me of my place and I feel at one with the earth, with my inner goddess. The forest is the orchestra of my mind, playing one enchanting song after another. Her leaves dance to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. Here, sheltered by the mighty trees, is every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every color. I hold my hands up to feel the cascading light, a brilliant white moon illuminating the path that takes me onward and home. If there ever was a place where magic flowed in a bed of mossy green, it was the creek.

As the time of menses approaches, my breast becomes tender longing for a soothing touch, and my core becomes heated, weeping with arousal. The heated sensation and the need to be taken consume me and for a moment I am no longer able to reason. When the day was growing old, I turned into a wanton wild thing. It is a hunger from deep within me, a longing that goes unfulfilled moon after moon. I am conflicted, I want to remain virtuous, but the uncontrolled sensation calls my body. When the sun sinks beneath the tops of the pines, my body finds some relief in the deciduous forest.

The herald of dusk light streaks through the boughs in both brilliant and shadowy beams. My body burns with yearning, radiating from my core as I remove my clothes and I leisurely submerge myself completely into the chilled water. The creek is where nature opened and a dreamy cascade of water played right there in the stream. I submerge myself in its depths of coolness, dipping my entire body with a splash. Diving in the blue brings a sense of peace, a sense of being woven into the waters of Earth. When swimming I am a bird, able to glide and fly in the blue. My hands wade the calm waters and soon my body adjusts and I find my warm body has returned. My fingers are still cool and I allow them to travel from my neck to my chest and brush my fingertips over my pebbled nipples. I go further, allowing my fingers to lightly cascade down to my flat stomach and further down to my throbbing center. My unskilled hands rub on my heated core fervently unable to find the relief it seeks.

After some time and foiling, I leave the creek. I use linen cloth to pat myself dry and slip on my dress. I never want to leave here, but I know if I stay any longer, I will worry my mother. So, I gather my belongings and make haste down the path. I only get a few paces and I take notice...the sounds of the forest are subdued, halted into a deafening silence. Not the serene silence of the forest. Nocturnal creatures, tree frogs croaking, and crickets chirping were silenced. The range surrounding me was void of all sound. My stomach turned keenly at the realization.

This was dead silence...The silence that tells you a predator is close.

I can feel it...Someone... something is watching, didn't know what to do.

My feet felt heavy, and although my mind wanted me to move, I could not. I stood frozen in fear, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. The thumping sounds were drumming so fast I thought I could hear it. I was so afraid my body would not even allow me to swallow the lump in my throat. There was a slight rustling in the dense shrub and then I could see it, through the impenetrable brush a pair of distinctly almond-shaped eyes, close-set on the face and slanted, with a fiery preternatural glow. The eyes are unblinking and focused, glaring directly at me. My scream of terror was trapped within me.

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