The Last Endings

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Seven Years Later...

Although several moons have passed, I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.

"You are cunning, resourceful, and sorely candid with the honorable desire to protect the ones you love," Jörgen said, pressing his lips to my forehead, he inhaled deeply and exhaled in approval. His broad chest was bare, displaying the miles of muscles and tendons that I loved to travel time and time again.

"My father once told me that a dose of fear is healthy, as healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. This will be our way from now on, we will battle without violence,"

The Sköll Luna had challenged me. She wanted to fight with swords to the death, but I swiftly declined. She said that I was a coward unworthy of my title. I told her that, if she loses at the hands of my sword, I would be taking a young mother from her children. If I lose, she would be taking me from my loved ones...what does that prove...? Instead, I challenged her to a game, a game of power and strategy. The loser would serve as Omega for a full moon cycle to the winner. The game was called The Long Jump, it was a game I played with my father in the pastures of Marrakesh. The soldiers trained this way because, during times of war, men would have had to cross obstacles such as streams and ravines this in turn led to the idea of a competitive long jump. I had a long jump for many years, traversing in the woods to find the sanctuaries of ponds and streams. I had become very skilled. This intrigued Luna and she accepted my challenge agreeing to the terms. The younger woman assumed she could beat me due to her two-nature prowess. But I proved her wrong, practice, and confidence are what garner results. She challenged me again, this time a game the world knows as the Javelin Throw. I had a week to practice and practice I did, with the two of the oldest and strongest warriors in the world. I was triumphant again. She was honorable and accepted her loss, but we did not make her an Omega. We kept her for a day and Olof challenged her to a cooking challenge. She failed miserably, unable to make any of the savory dishes Olof makes with ease. After that, the Sköll did not intrude upon us and they stayed on their side of the island. Nobly, they work vigilantly to protect our scared island. They hunt and kill any human who dares to try and lay claim to this island.

"I could get accustomed to this way, challenging of the fittest, yet both men walk away to see their loved ones, the perfect combination of barbaric and civilized," In that simple moment, my lover wrapped his arms around me and I let my head rest upon his chest.

"Your battle with Claes was like no other," I recalled, the envious man challenged his leader yet again, and this time I introduced the game of Wrestling to the warriors. A Wrestler aimed to throw his opponent to the ground from a standing position. A point or fall was scored when a wrestler's back or shoulders touched the ground. Three points were needed to win a match. Holds were restricted to the upper body. The winner will choose the fate of the loser. Of course, Claes wished to replace Jörgen. Jörgen asked that Claes would never rechallenge him. Both men accepted and Kjell allowed the sport announcing the spoils. Of course, Jörgen was victorious. Claes was banished, and to this day remains on the mountain with his two völva brides. He continues to dream of one day being a father, an alpha and I wish him the best.

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