The Sol, The Vargr, and The Luna

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Hanging just above the horizon like a blistering medallion, the mighty eager sunlight facing us - the tension was heady in the air. When the enemy got close enough, our warriors would launch ballast stones, and spears and use our longbows.

Archers would be positioned in the back protected by a shield wall formation. Our axes, swords, spears, bows and arrows, shields, and armor were equal to the weapons of the highest quality. Some of our weapons were forged by hand, others we'd taken from slain warriors. We only took the best.

During the day we fight as Berserkers. By the light of the moon, when they turn into werewolves we turn into Fenrir. My ferocious face painfully changes from man to beast, my form grows double in size, my hands turn to claws, my mouth turns to sharp teeth, and my hair turns to fur. Massive teeth barring and long sharp claws seeking flesh to maul, shred, devour.

We attack all who are brave enough to face us and even if they retreat, we give chase like a cat does a mouse. Our foes, empty screams of pain are indifferent to the beast, the beast revels in the carnage. The only thing making our foes worthy opponents is their numbers. Even still, we nearly wiped them out.

The night the lovely girl was slaughtered, we found out the Sköll clan was responsible. The Sköll are the only werewolves on Dragonera Island. This attack was unexpected.

We share the land and we have cohabitated peacefully with them for over a century. They lived in the forest on the southern end of the island and we habituated to the mountains in the far north. The völva dwelled somewhere in between. They use spells to remain hidden from all.

Now the Ansuz is at war with the Sköll. She was slaughtered because somehow, they knew of her importance to us. This proves their hatred of us. Now our remaining existence will be suffering until we succumb and parish...We shall make sure they suffer the same.

We shall make sure they suffer the same

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